The dark energy secret causes cosmic 'holes'

Scientists have found solutions to abnormal gaps that look like holes through the starry sky, which is caused by dark energy.

The study, published in the journal Physical Review D, offers solutions to mysterious, distorted, confusing spaces, sometimes with red borders, that look like empty holes in the sky. According to researchers, that gap is a good thing.

Picture 1 of The dark energy secret causes cosmic 'holes'
Molecular Cloud Barnard 68 is called "molecular cloud", but is actually more like a gap - (photo: NASA).

The team of scientists led by Seshadri Nadathur, a researcher from the University of Portsmouth (UK), said they measured distortion in the "border" area of ​​space gaps, about 5.5 billion years from Earth. light and accurately model the motion of galaxies.

This space of the universe's "holes" appears some red light, the result of "red shift" - a demonstration of moving galaxies. As you move further away, the wavelength of light from the galaxy is stretched, creating a visual effect that makes them look redder. Conversely, when a galaxy moves closer to us, they will become greener.

The "red shifts" were born and made the space hole bigger. In other words, the observed anomalies are the result of galaxies moving away, leaving an empty area without starlight in the middle. What makes galaxies move is called "dark energy".

And this dark energy is what causes cosmic expansion, a good thing for the evolution of the universe. According to the authors, dark energy is like an invisible force that pulls the universe out, thereby causing galaxies to distance themselves from each other.

However, the gravitational pull from objects causes galaxies to tend to drift closer to material-rich areas, so the process of cosmic expansion that promotes dark energy generates secret gaps. hidden that astronomers observed. Since it is nowhere, can not directly observe, scientists have to take advantage of mapping from the galaxy to capture the most mysterious "objects" of this universe.