The deadly beauty of a Persian knife

This knife is designed to be able to pierce armor. A dangerous melee weapon that any warrior is wary of.

Picture 1 of The deadly beauty of a Persian knife
Dao has a quite strange line.

Picture 2 of The deadly beauty of a Persian knife
Ancient knives used for stabbing.

Originating from Iran, it was then popularized to Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North India. This type of knife is called Pesh-kabz or Fore- Grip (in Persian). The main function of this knife is to be able to pierce through the mesh armor of cavalry.

Therefore the design of the knife is also quite special, sharp points to pierce through the mesh holes. However the knife can still be used for slashing attacks. Up until the modern war, this knife was used as a regular melee knife.

The blade is designed in the shape of a 'T' to create the strength of the knife and its hardness. Persian knives have a length of 40–46 cm, with the tongue part about 28–33 cm. Antique handle made from ivory or rhino horn. However, there are many woods, metals and even gemstones attached.

Persian knives are still used today as personal weapons as well as an adult ritual item in Pashtun and other highland tribes of Afghanistan. During Afghanistan's Soviet occupation, this knife was the weapon often used to execute executed or injured prisoners.

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