The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth

If one day the Earth disappears, how would you want to live in a place? Do you want to live on beautiful ships like this?

With the situation of the Earth getting hotter with the growing political tension, our risk of losing the extremely close Earth house.

Picture 1 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
NASA's sketch of the space colony in the future.

However, perhaps since the 1970s scientists have predicted this. Therefore, physicists from Princeton University, Stanford University and NASA's Ames Research Center jointly designed the future home for us. They created artistic drawings of an extraordinarily large spacecraft put into orbit of the Sun in case the worst happened and we lost the Earth.

Recently, these designs have just been unearthed by The Public Domain Review and look quite interesting.

Picture 2 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
In the 1970s, scientists expected that humans could travel to space colonies (in other words, that our ships would settle in the future) first in 2060. They had 3 devices. Each design has orbit around the Sun.

Picture 3 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
Inside there are houses, trees and aisles.A small river about 1km wide will flow through the center of the whole ship.

Picture 4 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
Above is the glass so you can enjoy watching the space shuttle, robots and devices floating in space.

Picture 5 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
The second colony also has the same capacity as the first.At the top of the ship is a radio tower to contact other colonies.

Picture 6 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
The ship has a farm, divided into tubes for cows and chickens.

Picture 7 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
Similar to the first ship, the second colony also has an Earth-like design, with a metal core in the center.

Picture 8 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
The ship will rotate in space.

Picture 9 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
People live in weightless environments.

Picture 10 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
The last colony has a cylindrical design with a capacity of up to 1 million people.

Picture 11 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
The colony was not affected by climate change, clean water and endless green forests.The ship uses endless solar energy.

Picture 12 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
People in the ship can admire the eclipse right above their heads.

Picture 13 of The dreamlike space colonies replaced Earth
Or watch the ship spin around other planets.