The Earth is in the sixth great extinction

A new study shows that the "biological destruction" process is happening on Earth when millions of animal populations have disappeared in recent decades.

Guardian led the study published in the Proceedings magazine (of the National Academy of Sciences of America) said that the sixth "great extinction" may be even more serious than many people's fear.

After analyzing both rare and common animals, scientists discovered millions of animal populations at regional and local levels that have disappeared over the past few decades. The cause is said to be overpopulation of the population and excessive consumption of people.

Picture 1 of The Earth is in the sixth great extinction
Millions of local and regional animal populations have disappeared over the past few decades.

Many previous studies have shown that animals are extinct at a faster rate than millions of years ago. Even so, complete extinctions are still quite rare, biodiversity is often lost slowly. In this new work, scientists emphasize that the number of individuals of some common animals has declined globally although they are still there.

Of the thousands of animals that are losing individuals, one-third of species are not considered dangerous animals. Overall, 50% of animals have been lost in the past few decades.

Wildlife species are disappearing because of habitat destruction, rampant hunting, air pollution, alien species invasion and climate change. Scientists say the reason behind all of these factors is that " human population overload and constant population growth, excessive consumption , especially among the rich ".

Research on this situation will threaten human civilization. Guardian notes that in this case, scientists have broken the usual cold and objective practice to call ecological loss "a terrifying attack on the foundations of human civilization." ".

Professor Gerardo Ceballos of Mexico's National Autonomous University, head of the research team, said: "The situation is so serious that if (we) don't use strong language, it will be unethical. ".