The face shows the aggressiveness of men

Men with a wider face tend to show racial bias as well as become more aggressive, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of Delaware (USA) discovered that men with large but short faces are more likely to bluntly express their own racial biases.

This facial shape has been shown to be higher than the average testosterone level of male hormones and is associated with more aggressive behaviors.

Picture 1 of The face shows the aggressiveness of men
Broad-faced men tend to be more aggressive. (Artwork: Wordpress)

However, the University of Delaware team believes that, in this case, men with large faces are less likely to succumb to social pressures.

Eric Hehman, head of the study, said: 'Racism is an extremely sensitive issue and there are many social pressures that force people to be objective. More influential individuals may be less interested in showing their prejudice or refraining from expressing their views'.

However, the researchers emphasize that their findings do not imply only short but wide-faced men with more racial bias, but that these people tend to show more clearly these biases if have.

The results of the study, published in the journal Psychological Science , provide the first evidence that face size not only predicts important and controversial social behaviors, such as racial prejudice. but can also help others make accurate judgments.