The Great Flood - Legend and science

The legend of cataclysm appears in many ancient cultures such as Mesopotamia, China, and Ancient Greece . However, there is currently no basis for statistics on how many matches in human history. .

The most famous legend is the cataclysm recorded in the Book of Genesis (the Bible). God decided to eliminate mankind for their sins, but saved Noah because he was moral. God taught him how to build a big boat to save himself and other species.

An oldest-known legend about the deluge was recorded in the stone book of Mesopotamia civilization. God Enki warned King Ziusudra to become Shuruppak (a 5,000-6,000-year-old dynasty, now in Iraq's territory) that God would destroy mankind with a terrible flood. Enki told King Ziusudra how to build a large ship, so Ziusudra escaped after the cataclysm lasted 7 days and nights.

In Babylonie's legend, the hero Gilgamesh of Uruk wants to become immortal like his ancestor UtNapishtim. It was he who informed Gilgamesh that there was going to be a great flood and taught how to become immortal was to be awake for 6 days and 7 nights, but in the end Gilgamesh fell asleep. Although Gilgamesh did not become immortal, he learned how to build a big raft to bring his family and friends and property to the flood.

Plato's Law said about the great flood that occurred about his time about 10,000 years. He wrote that there were many other cataclysms until Athens became prosperous.

Picture 1 of The Great Flood - Legend and science

(Photo: Wikimedia)

The Chinese history book recorded in 700 BC or earlier, in the time of the Three Kings Five Emperor had a big battle, rising water to Heaven. Da Yu controlled the flood and became the first Emperor. Later, many other books also wrote about the cataclysms of dragon fruit living in the Yellow River because of anger towards the human race.

The legend of the area of ​​Ba Be Lake in Vietnam is also related to the deluge. The dragon spirit transformed into a beggar old lady to attend the ' Vu Gia ' festival to pray to the Buddha, because he saw the life of a man without mercy so he offered water to submerge all. Only the mother and the widow let her eat and sleep, so she was saved. The god gave them two rice husks (then turned into boats) and a handful of ash to spread around his house. The land is not submerged in water and is now Po-old-island in the middle of Ba Be Lake.

The findings of science

Excavations in the Mesopotamian civilization area (in present-day Iraq) have discovered many traces such as sediment mud, or fossils related to the deluge of about 2,900-2,700 years ago. original.

In the 1920s, British archaeologist Leonard Wooley excavated the area of ​​Southern Mesopotamia (the land considered to be Abraham's birth, the father of the Jews) discovered deep underwater mud beds, indicating residents live intermittently. There are also many traces of ceramic houses sinking under the mud floor.

Recently, scientists found traces of a large mountain boat in Turkey. They assumed it was the famous boat of Noah recorded in Genesis.

Thus, it can be confirmed that the cataclysmic battles in the past are real . Scientists also make assumptions about the cause of them. They assumed that at the end of the ice age (lasting 2.5 million years to 10,000 years BC), the earth's temperature was very low. The glacier covered the entire northern hemisphere. After that, the huge ice blocks began to move, the volume was about 30 million km 2 .

Huge icebergs weighed heavily on the earth's crust causing subsidence in this place and emerged elsewhere, creating areas like Scandinavia, Scotland, Canada . At that time, the sea level was very low (lower than current now 120-150 m); Asia and North America connect through the Bering Strait. The last period of the ice age 10,000 years ago, the global warming climate caused the ice to melt and the sea level to rise rapidly. That is the cause of the deluge engulfing many lands.

According to the latest statistics, scientists have discovered giant oceans hidden more than 1,000 km deep beneath the surface of the earth and they think this is the cause of the cataclysm that is told in the legend. . Seismic wave surveys show that there are at least two underground oceans beneath the surface of continental Europe - Asia and North America.

US scientists believe that underground oceans have the same amount of water as the two polar oceans. For some reason (earthquake, Earth's crust movement .), this huge amount of water erupted on the ground. The steam rises high and meets cold air condenses into long rains that cause cataclysm and then seeps into the ocean in the earth.