The incredible technology people learn from nature

Current biomimetic technology is growing with incredible inventions.

There is a science called biological simulation, with studies that apply and simulate the structures and functions of organisms in nature to create systems that serve people. Current biomimetic technology is increasingly evolving with incredible inventions, let us take a look at the latest inventions that people learn from species of nature.

Sound waves based on bat species

In nature, bats are species that use ultrasonic waves to measure distances, avoid obstacles and find prey in the night. They emit sound waves and record the time to receive feedback waves, helping them to measure distances and identify things in space. They do this naturally and humans do not.

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So scientists at the University of Leeds in the UK have used this ability of bats to study and build sound sticks for the visually impaired. Basically, the stick emits sound waves and receives feedback waves similar to bats, but the human brain cannot analyze the information received to create spatial maps naturally as bat species. So scientists must continue to study the analyzer and convert the received signals into vibrations, then pass them to the grip of the stick to help the visually impaired.

After many experiments, scientists said that blind people were able to absorb these vibrations and easily create a map of the perception of the surrounding space based on vibrations in their hands.

Robot learns the herd of ants

In a new research project at Harvard University, scientists are trying to figure out a way for robots to be able to communicate and learn from each other based on the herd of ants. Accordingly, a robot will be able to observe other robot behavior and decide what to do without any control program.

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The idea of ​​scientists is to use two light sensors, in which one sensor is used to identify other robots that help avoid movement on the move and a sensor to identify the path the previous robot had. go. Like ants, they leave a chemical on the way to help other ants follow the path.

Tests showed that the robots, after being allowed to move randomly and chaos, gathered together in a row and moved in a single path. The future of robots will be able to self-study with artificial intelligence without human or any control program.

Self-cleaning paint based on lotus petals

Lotus petals appear at first glance but if you look carefully you will see millions of small spikes covered on the surface. These small spikes make dirt and water unable to stick to the petal surface for long. Based on that, a German company invented a type of paint with a complex structure that removes any dirt and stains on the surface.

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Looking under a microscope, the surface of the paint is like a lotus petal with millions of small spikes. In other words after being coated with this special paint, the surface will be able to self-clean without cleaning. NASA is also researching and applying this technology to cover astronauts' clothes.

Dual cameras simulate flies' eyes

Flies are special creatures that possess double eyes with more than 28,000 separate lenses, attached to specific light sensing nerves. Thanks to that, they can observe 180 degrees around and bring the most sense of depth.

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Using that idea, University of Illinois scientists built a dual camera with 180 lenses, attached to a flexible rubber base and formed a hemispherical shape. Images captured from 180 lenses are combined and form a single image. The purpose of this camera is to use on unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, with two dual cameras so that the operator can easily observe the entire 360 ​​degrees of the surrounding space. Currently scientists continue to study to double the number of lenses.

Materials that simulate shark skin help swim faster

Shark skin is covered with a very small spike, facing backwards and helps them swim a lot faster in the water. Besides this spiky layer also has the same effect as the coating on the said lotus petals. Helping algae and parasites difficult to cling to shark's body.

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The US Navy is working on shark skin surface coatings for submarine application. Helping the ship reach higher speeds as well as avoiding parasites clinging to the surface of the ship, each year it costs more than $ 50 million to clean the hull.

Hospitals are also getting a research project to use a material called Sharklet like shark skin, to wrap things, door handles, etc. This material will be able to prevent micro-types. Bacteria attach to objects. It is not a chemical drug, so bacteria cannot resist.

Sensor based on rodent beard

Rodents such as mice mainly work at night, they often use their antennae to move in the dark rather than using eyesight. Their beards are very sensitive sensors that can measure distances as well as detect obstacles and find food.

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Scientists have researched and built an artificial sensor that works similarly to a rodent's beard. Scientists use glass fibers that contain Hall effect sensors (sensors that measure the difference in voltage based on magnetic fields). A small magnet will be attached to the inside and supplied from the magnetic field. When touching an obstacle, the sensors will recognize the voltage change from the magnet and allow the robots to see obstacles or objects.

Robot simulates spiders

Picture 7 of The incredible technology people learn from nature

Scientists have been working hard for years to create the perfect spider simulation robot, with 8 legs they can move stably on many different surfaces. Controlling and controlling all 8 pins at the same time is not simple, but scientists have succeeded with the ability to coordinate 26 joints at the same time. The central processor is able to calculate the trajectory of each leg separately and combine them to determine the robot's moving status. Help robots have the ability to move in many different ways and directions. This project will be applied to disaster search and rescue robots.

Electronic circuits cannot be destroyed

Electronic chips are devices used in most electronic devices today, and although they are small in size, they have millions of transistors spread across the surface just as small as a fingertip. A broken small circuit may affect the entire circuit. However, if an electronic circuit capable of self-healing like an immune system in the body will save a lot of effort and repair and replacement costs.

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Engineers at the California Institute of Technology have created an electronic circuit that cannot be destroyed. To demonstrate, they used lasers to destroy an electronic circuit, after which it was partially destroyed but the circuit could still operate normally. Along with all the circuits needed for the main purpose of the chip, each chip also has a variety of sensors and a central processor to detect damage and find the most effective way to get reset and help It works normally.

This system is not pre-programmed for each specific case, but it will self-assess and reset according to individual circumstances, so it can handle itself in any case of failure, of course is when the sensor and processor are still active.