The international press has a headache with Vietnam's super-difficult grade 3 problem

Recently, the famous magazine The Guardian published a math lesson for an 8-year-old Vietnamese student to challenge readers.

Super difficult problem of Vietnamese primary school students

" Snake problem" is the nickname that Guardian editors name this math puzzle, this is a problem in the final exam review of a 3rd grade student living in Lam Dong, Vietnam. Male. After stirring up the internet community recently, the " snake problem" has spread to Europe, then posted by Guardian magazine in their science section.

Specifically, this problem is as follows: "Enter numbers 1 through 9 in the empty box to get the given result ".

Picture 1 of The international press has a headache with Vietnam's super-difficult grade 3 problem

Scientific editor Alex Bellos, who published this article, said that forgetting Singapore has turned its attention to Vietnam, which produces extremely tough math puzzles today.

Picture 2 of The international press has a headache with Vietnam's super-difficult grade 3 problem
The title of the article in The Guardian magazine.

According to Alex, if this is a problem published in a specialized mathematical journal, no one will care, but the problem is that it comes from the problem book of a 3rd grade student. economist and mathematician but there is still no satisfactory solution.

"Currently, Vietnam's education system is ranked 17th in the world in mathematics and 8th in natural science, higher than the United States (math 36, science 28) and the UK (mathematics 26 and science 20). So it's not too surprising that their elementary problem is so difficult . " - Alex wrote.