Eat 'standard' to dispel headaches

Food is the most effective and natural cure for headaches!

Common migraine

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Migraine is a disease that usually has pain on one side of the head, it can also make us sensitive to light or feel nauseous. Research shows that vitamin B2 or riboflavin helps reduce the incidence of migraine headaches by up to 48%. Riboflavin improves energy metabolism of the brain and muscle cells, protects and helps them maintain energy. We can find these in foods like quinoa, crimini, asparagus, and even a glass of low-fat milk.

Hormonal headache

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Hormonal headache also hurts on one side of the head like migraine. Estrogen is the "culprit" that makes XX more migraine than XY. Girls often have headaches in or just before the time when estrogen levels fall. Magnesium is useful if you have frequent headaches and it will ease excessive irritation to nerves. XX friends try to recharge magnesium every day from foods like Swiss radish, spinach (propeller) . or other useful food sources such as bananas, sesame, sunflower seeds. and sweet potatoes.

Headache due to stress

If you feel "stressful" to the point that your nerves "are about to break out" then it may be a headache related to the muscles in the neck and the back of the temple are stretched. At such times, you can add a menu of foods such as eggs, tuna, mackerel, cauliflower and broccoli. Because these foods provide CoenzymeQ10, the main source of energy production in the body and powerful antioxidants. It also protects the body against free radicals caused by cell stress.

Flu headaches

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When you are sick, your body loses the necessary salt and water, making it easy to feel tired. Dehydration is also one of the main causes of headaches. Therefore, we need to add water-rich fruits such as grapefruit, watermelon, strawberry and pineapple with at least one meal a day.

Beverage tips help relieve headaches

Folk also often use herbal teas to treat headache such as ginger tea, mint, artichoke . To make ginger tea, you should cut the root, boil for 10 minutes, then filter the drinking water as Tea or use ginger tea bags are available in grocery stores, pharmacies.

Plums, mint and green tea also help us dispel stress. Boil five dried plums, one teaspoon of green tea and two tablespoons of mint with four glasses of water for about 10 minutes. Drink three glasses a day until the headache is relieved. Very effective!