Tips or cure headaches

Headaches can interfere with your daily work and reduce your quality of life. The following measures will help you prevent and control headaches at home.

>>>Eat "standard" to dispel headaches

Reduce stress at work and at home: Plan ahead for work regularly. Don't delay the work you need to do right away. Should sleep early and get up early. Must sleep from 7-8 hours / day.

Take a break: Get out of stress by walking or thinking about something to relax for 1-2 minutes (for example, imagine watching a flower). If there is more time, a nap in a dark room will help the brain to restore its normal state.

Practice deep breathing: Breathing exercises will help reduce stress. Relax all muscles. Inhale slowly and deeply. Focus on breathing. Hold your breath for a few seconds and then exhale slowly the entire volume of air in your lungs. Repeat and repeat.

Picture 1 of Tips or cure headaches

Exercise: Exercise rhythm because this is a good way to relieve headache and create a feeling of physical and mental well-being.

Appropriate diet: A balanced diet, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals will bring a refreshing feeling. Eat at the right time and don't skip meals.

Keep a log of your headaches : List the foods you eat at the time your headaches appear. Since then, the cause of a headache can be avoided.

Cooling measures: Ice packs are one of the most effective treatments for headaches. The earlier you use, the higher the effect. In addition to applying ice to the sore position, try applying ice packs to the forehead and temples.

Heating measures: Take a warm bath. The shower should be sprayed with warm water down the head, neck and shoulders. Temperature relaxes the muscles, increases blood circulation and can reduce headaches.

Medication : Can use acetaminophen or paracetamol. Must comply with dosage guidelines.

Going to the doctor: In a few cases, headache is a sign of a disease that is still lurking somewhere. See your doctor right away if your headache is not responding to treatment or signs: Sudden and severe; sudden, intense and stiff neck; headache with fever, convulsions, confusion or loss of consciousness; headache after a blow to the head; headache with eye pain or earache; persistent headache in a person who has never had a headache before; recurring headache in children; headache after age 50; headache after an accident.