Ice cream is the best snack on a hot summer day (or in the winter days, as in the summer in Northern Vietnam). Biting the first big piece, you see the sweetness and the coldness
This is one of the methods of healing the headaches of ancient Peruvians.
Brock Meister - a 22-year-old boy in Plymouth (Indiana, USA) is a case where his fate is sometimes like a ... joke.
Many studies have shown the harmful effects of eating potato chips - can create unhealthy things, especially for those who are overweight and obese ...
Summer is the time when you have a headache. When exposed to high temperatures and intense sunlight, the capillaries above the head are overly expanded against the weather.
Headaches, signs of body fatigue often, nails that are brittle, pale, hair loss is a warning that your diet needs to be changed, according to Eat This.
Dark urine colors, brittle nails, brittle, poor quality sleep can be a health warning, according to Cheatsheet.
Taking medicine, acupuncture points only help headaches go away temporarily. The disease will return, aggravated when you do not take root treatment. So what causes and solutions
Although on the list of nutritious foods, bananas contain lots of tyramine, which causes headaches.
Using a mixture of cinnamon powder and water on the forehead and temples, letting it stand for 30 minutes will help relieve the headache caused by cold.