The Kitchen God in the kitchen or on the altar?

When worshiping the Kitchen God, if the family does not have its own army of worshiping shrines, it is necessary to burn incense at the altar to worship the gods or the ancestors but not to worship at the kitchen.

Picture 1 of The Kitchen God in the kitchen or on the altar?
Do not worship in the kitchen.

Currently, the custom of worshiping the Kitchen God still exists in many Vietnamese families, especially in rural areas. Some families with urban elders also worship the Kitchen God in the kitchen. Although they no longer cook with clay cookers "three heads of vegetables" but replace them with charcoal, oil and gas cookers . but they still have Mr. Tao altar like Mr. Than taking care of housework, keeping children healthy .

According to feng shui expert Pham Cuong, during the ceremony of worshiping Mr. Cong Ong Tao, if your home has a worshiping committee for the Kitchen God (usually located near the kitchen), then burn incense in this church. If there is no specific worshiping committee, you must burn incense at the worshiping hall of the gods or the ancestors, but not to worship at the kitchen because from the past until now, the altar is always considered an antenna to communicate between the two yin and yang worlds. , between the earthly and the divine.

According to the old custom, especially for houses with children, people also offered Apple soldiers a boiled chicken. This boiled chicken must belong to the new type of chicken, which is the nape of the neck (ie the new chicken) to imply thanks to the Apple God asking for the Jade Emperor for the child later to grow up to have a lot of energy and give birth to the same level as a chicken. .