The Lord's county is one year old

A year has passed since the first publication of the Higgs boson in the laboratory has found richer and more affirmative results about the existence of elementary particles predicted by theory. .

A year ago, also this July, July 4, 2012, an event that shook the world's scientific community when physicists at the European Nuclear Research Center CERN proudly announced the release. Currently a new elementary particle, the boson is very similar to the Higgs boson particle predicted by the theory, also known as the Lord's particle . This particle has a measured mass of 125.3 GeV / c2 (data of CMS group) and 126.5 GeV / c2 (data of ATLAS group), heavier than the mass of the proton 133 times.

It is the result of creative labor plying hundreds of days and nights of a massive collective of international physicists at CERN's leading science center in Geneva (Switzerland), on the world's largest machine of the dozen billion USD (called the Large Hadron Collider LHC) combined with very complex experimental systems, measuring and analyzing ATLAS and CMS.

They performed extremely complex experiments on the LHC system by accelerating two positively charged proton beams, flying in the opposite direction and colliding with each other. As a result, some very heavy particles are made up of the Higgs Boson analogue, although very small, ie this is a very rare event, it takes about 1 trillion proton-proton hits to produce one. 'similar Higgs boson' seeds .

Picture 1 of The Lord's county is one year old
The giant LHC accelerator at the European Nuclear Research Center on the French-Swiss border.(Source: CERN)

The results of the 'like Higgs Boson' particle have been waiting for half a century since 1964, when British theoretical physicist Peter Higgs, while building a theoretical model to explaining the material structure and explaining the mass existence in everything, predicted the existence of this particle.

This scientific success is a huge hit in the scientific community in the world. America's leading Science magazine, on the list of the 10 most important scientific events of 2012, honors the invention of Higgs Boson's highest throne.

Particularly theoretical physicist Peter Higgs, before the New Year 2013 is also honored by the British Government and awarded the New Year Honors award, one of the noble awards sponsored by the Queen of England.

One of the most prestigious scientific awards on the planet, the Nobel Prize in Physics is being expected soon to give scientists the greatest credit for inventing the Higgs boson.

During the past year, CERN's scientific community continues to shed light on the physical characteristics of the newly discovered particle, further defining whether this is the true Higgs boson particle and which kind of Higgs boson .

After analyzing a huge amount of experimental data, twice as much as the data for the initial announcement in July 2012, CERN researchers realized that the particle detected one the year before it was more like the Higgs boson and more.

First of all is the quantum nature of the new particle. For a fundamental particle, two important quantum characteristics are spin (expressing rotation) and parity (representing mirror reflection symmetry). According to theoretical calculations, the Higgs boson must have zero spin and positive parity.

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Boson Higgs Particle in the Particle Table in the Standard Model of the Standard Peter Higgs.(Source: AAAS)

And fortunately, the results of the analysis of experimental data were consistent with the predictions of the theory. This is a strong evidence that the particle discovered on the LHC accelerator a year ago was a Higgs boson. This result was presented by authors from ATLAS and CMS teams at CERN Research Center at the International Scientific Conference in Moriond (Italy) a few days ago.

A year has passed since the first publication of the Higgs boson in the laboratory has found richer and more affirmative results about the existence of elementary particles predicted by theory. Standard model half a century ago.

But the way forward to clarify the other properties of the "seed of God" , of course does not stop here. Scientists are expecting more in 2015, when the LHC machine is upgraded and restarted.