Virtual receptionist at the government office

Government district of London (UK) said, a virtual image will be arranged to replace the receptionist 'fiction' in the office of the county, according to the news agency UPI.

Brent County Councilman says the virtual assistant, Shanice , will be screened as if she was sitting behind a reception desk at the county council office.

Picture 1 of Virtual receptionist at the government office
Virtual Receptionist Shanice - (Photo: London Evening Standard)

She will be programmed to answer a number of questions about birth, death, marriage registration and citizenship, as well as help guide the right path for visitors.

Brent County officials say virtual images costing less than $ 19,000 are considered less expensive than recruiting real receptionists.

"This is a kind of space-age technology that you've just heard, but never seen before, especially in government offices ," said James Denselow, commissioner and client of the council. said Brent.

In his view, the most important thing is that it will help the council save money without compromising public service.