The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth

The name Dallol in the local language means 'solubility' , the name that accurately describes this land - filled with iron oxide, sulfur and salt deserts. Located in the area about 48 meters below sea level, Dallol was named the world's lowest terrestrial volcano.

With an average year-round temperature of up to 35 degrees Celsius, this is also considered to be the hottest place in the earth where people live. In particular, this land is full of colorful lakes and hot springs due to the effects of potassium salts.

However, Dallol volcano is not a real volcano. When groundwater flows deep into the ground, they meet high temperatures and turn into vapor. By the time the pressure peaks, an explosion and crater formation will occur. Perhaps this has created a unique and strange point of the crater.

The image of Dallol's strange beauty:

Picture 1 of The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth

Picture 2 of The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth

Picture 3 of The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth

Picture 4 of The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth

Picture 5 of The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth

Picture 6 of The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth

Picture 7 of The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth

Picture 8 of The magical beauty of the hottest place on Earth