The meaning of the names of flu strains

Last time, swine flu is often called A / H1N1 flu and bird flu is often called A / H5N1 flu. Recently, a new type of bird flu has been discovered in China called influenza A / H7N9. So what is the meaning of this symbol?

Influenza is an acute infectious disease in the respiratory tract caused by influenza viruses. The flu virus has 3 types, A, B and C. The virus is easily destroyed at room temperature but has a fairly persistent vitality at low temperatures. Because of this reason, flu often rises in the winter-spring season and when the weather changes from the hot season to the cold season.

The name of each type of influenza virus is abbreviated with the letters 'H' and 'N'. 'H' stands for Hemagglutinine and 'N' stands for Neuraminidase , which are two specific surface proteins in influenza viruses. In humans, viruses that once caused influenza have been denoted by H1 to H3 (all of them have 15 types of H viruses); and for N virus, only N1 and N2 can cause disease in humans. Now, however, scientists have discovered a number of other viruses that are also capable of causing diseases such as influenza A / H7N9.

Thus, swine flu called influenza A / H1N1 means type A influenza, carrying 2 surface proteins, Hemagglutinine H1 and Neuraminidase N1. Avian influenza, called influenza A / H5N1, means type A influenza, which carries two types of surface proteins: Hemagglutinine H5 and Neuraminidase N1. Similarly, a newly discovered bird flu in China called influenza A / H7N9 means type A influenza, carrying two surface proteins, Hemagglutinine H7 and Neuraminidase N9.

Picture 1 of The meaning of the names of flu strains

Due to the characteristics of each virus that causes disease, the avian influenza viruses have previously only been prevalent in domestic poultry but it can now be transmitted to humans, causing serious illness. People infected with avian influenza A / H5N1 and A / H7N9 due to contact with infected poultry and so far have not identified this virus capable of transmitting disease from human to human. People infected with swine influenza A / H1N1 due to contact with infected pigs and this virus are capable of transmitting disease from human to human, so the speed of spread is fast, making many people infected, causing epidemics and having a rate high death.

In recent years, people are only interested in avian influenza virus called A / H5N1 influenza and recently A / H7N9 flu but in fact in animal diseases transmitted to humans there are many other viruses. A type A virus also causes diseases such as H3N2, H1N1 .

The current outbreak of swine influenza A / H1N1 is likely to erupt in many countries and is likely to spread rapidly due to international exchange and integration and could become a pandemic causing serious damage to people community.

To prevent the spread of avian influenza A / H5N1, A / H7N9 to humans, four basic measures need to be taken: Households need to detect mass death of poultry early and notify the authorities immediately. local to promptly stop the epidemic from spreading. Absolutely not slaughter and use poultry suspected to be sick with influenza. When a person with high fever related to sick poultry comes immediately to a health agency for timely treatment. Use chloramin B and strong disinfectants to disinfect and disinfect livestock facilities regularly in households and areas with bird flu.