The model that opens the deep hole long enough allows one photon to penetrate

Last weekend, physicist Luke Butcher at Cambridge University published a report on several types of wormholes that could last long enough for a photon to pass through.


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According to the model proposed by Butcher, people can send and receive messages over time through this wormhole. If this model is successfully developed, the human dream of time travel machine will no longer be a matter of fantasy, but it could be feasible someday in the future.

So far, time travel is a concept that exists only in the imagination of science fiction writers. Some people call this a daytime dream in modern science. However, physicists believe that at least in time theory, time travel is fully feasible. The main genius of Albert Einstein's physics is the first to propose the ability to travel time to deep hole - a tunnel through time and space . It can be imagined that this is a tunnel connecting from one space-time zone to another, sometimes allowing matter to travel from one region to another through this tunnel.

Picture 1 of The model that opens the deep hole long enough allows one photon to penetrate

However, making a device to open deep holes is not easy. The biggest obstacle is that deep holes can only exist in very short time and there is not enough room for people to pass through. On the theoretical side, a deep hole can only pass a single particle or 1 photon through. Therefore, time travel is the most deadly problem in modern physics. It was not until 1988 that physicist Kip Thorne proposed an idea that allowed a longer hole to be maintained.

Thorne argued that the wormhole could be maintained aperture by using the energy-quantity-quantum-energy , also known as the Casimir energy . While this is a promising idea, no one has yet found a way to create Casimir energy to maintain deep holes and allow people to pass through. In this study, Butcher proposed a method to utilize Casimir energy in nature to create some kind of wormhole.

After doing a lot of calculations, Butcher concluded that if the wormhole opened longer, its size would be larger. At the same time, he predicted that the Casimir energy on the inner side of the worm hole would give it enough energy to open longer than usual. Butcher estimates, it is possible to send a photon through a wormhole made up of the model he proposed.

However, all of these arguments and studies are only hypotheses based on Butcher's knowledge. People still do not fully understand the other components of the wormhole. It is possible that inside the wormhole will contain components that block the movement of photons or even prevent people from moving through. Therefore, traveling through time is still a fascinating topic for film-makers or science fiction writers.

However, Butcher thinks his idea will boost more research in the future. There may be many new ideas proposed. Maybe some time travel can be done not only by Doctor Who on television, but also in reality.