The prospect of time travel via wormholes is not a new concept in sci-fi movies, but what if it wasn't just science fiction?

Interstellar travel has long been a great dream of mankind.

The universe is vast with mysteries beyond human understanding, from the vast Solar System to distant galaxies billions of light years away.

Motorists across the highway Torreón - Saltillo, Coahuila state, Mexico, discovered a fuming pit on January 17, Earth Chronicles reported.

According to physicist Stephen Hawking, a black hole has a door that takes matter to a parallel universe rather than being swallowed up as we thought.

Hawking said that time travel would be a reality, but he was also aware of something extremely important.

The warp engine - Warp drive is an imaginary spacecraft propulsion that allows us to travel faster than light (FTL - faster-than-light), most notably in the Star Trek series.

Time travel is an interesting topic that is the subject of many science fiction films, besides it also makes a lot of gray matter for many aspiring people to create a capable

Cherenkov radiation, the inflation of the universe right after Big Bang, entangled quantum and deep holes are cosmic phenomena that can reach the state

Based on physical laws, there is absolutely a theoretical basis for people to travel time to future, but the way people use the method is a difficult question.