The most terrible volcanic disaster in human history

With the destruction of about 800 million tons of TNT, the Tambora volcano erupted on April 10, 1815 in Sumbawa, Indonesia was the biggest shocking explosion in human history.

Tambora is a volcano on Indonesia's Sumbawa Island. This volcano is 2,772m above sea level. Tambora erupted in 1815 marked the most powerful volcanic eruption in modern history.

It is estimated that about 10,000 people died directly from the eruption and about 70,000 people died due to the climate consequences it left.

Before the eruption, Mount Tambora has an altitude of about 4,300m but then its height is only about 2,850m.

72 hour tragedy

No one could doubt, the biggest volcanic disaster in modern history only happened . 3 days.

Picture 1 of The most terrible volcanic disaster in human history
Every second, Tambora sprayed about 300-500 million kg of magma.(Illustration).

"Wake up" at 7 pm on April 10, 1815, Mount Tambora began erupting and became a disaster that left tens of thousands of people dead.

Estimated, Tambora sprayed about 300-500 million kilograms of magma per second! Its explosion could be heard from Sumatra, about 2,600km from the eruption site.

Picture 2 of The most terrible volcanic disaster in human history
Influence of volcanic eruption in 1815.

Tambora's tremendous destructive power

The Tambora eruption is estimated to have destroyed around 800 million tons of TNT, 14 times more powerful than the Tsar bomb.

The volcano creates a column of dust as high as 43km and disperses dust into the atmosphere and surrounds the Earth.

Hot rivers escaping from the mountain mouth are about 4,000m high, causing 10,000 people to die from evacuation.

Volcanic eruptions of an amount of ash, dust, lava and gas have a total volume of about 50 billion cubic meters. A huge amount of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) gas also flies into the atmosphere.

Picture 3 of The most terrible volcanic disaster in human history
The cloud of dust from the Tambora volcano causes global temperatures to drop from 0.4 to 0.7 degrees C.

The dust cloud from Tambora volcano causes global temperatures to drop from 0.4 to 0.7 degrees Celsius. A year later, many areas in Europe and North America had no summer.

This dust covered the Sun and made 1816 the second coldest year in history. Fallen crops and famine occur throughout Europe and North America.

Even the Pennsylvania River was frozen in mid-August. Therefore, it was called that fate in 1816 as "the year without summer".

Picture 4 of The most terrible volcanic disaster in human history
Mount Tambora today.

Frost caused failures in Canada and the New England region. Europe is also miserable because of the decline in temperature.

After the disaster, crop and environment were destroyed, the number of people died of food shortages reached 82,000 people.

Picture 5 of The most terrible volcanic disaster in human history
The painting of Joseph Mallord William Turner depicts the Tambora volcano disaster.

The aftermath of the Tambora volcano also left its mark in science and art.

Scientists believe that the cloud of dust from Tambora volcano is the cause of the birth of many strange portraits of Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851), a famous British artist.