The Neanderthals became extinct: Not because the elves were massacred, simply because they were ... 'too black'

A total of 9 races ever appeared on Earth, but above all else, the Homo sapien - our species today has become the dominant species. As for the other eight races, they no longer exist, and the reason is thought to be because the clever people have slaughtered everything thanks to the advantage of their weapons and tactics.

Of the eight species that have disappeared, Neanderthals can be considered the closest to us. They also have the ability to use the majority to dominate nature, produce weapons, and devise tactics during the war. Archaeological evidence shows that the Neanderthals once stormed Europe and West Asia, until they completely disappeared 40,000 years ago.

Of course, if the assumption that the clever people slaughtered all is correct, then Neanderthal is probably a victim. However, some scientists disagree with this thesis. According to a new study , the reason is that Neanderthals had to reproduce inbreeding because the community was too small , but partly because they were too unlucky.

Specifically, research published in the journal PLOS ONE from Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) has developed a simulation model of the lives of ancient Neanderthal populations. They formed communities of various sizes (50, 100, 500, 1000 and 5,000) to assess how the ancients coped with environmental changes.

Experts focus on three factors: fertility, birth rate, sex ratio, and a factor called the "Allee effect" (when the population is too small to affect the shape and health of people. each person).

Picture 1 of The Neanderthals became extinct: Not because the elves were massacred, simply because they were ... 'too black'
Neanderthal ethnic illustration.

The results suggest that inbreeding in general is not easy to lead to extinction, but if combined with the Allee effect and rapid population change, it is different. It caused a whole generation of Neanderthals to decline quickly.

Clever people make an important contribution?

However, what really put an end to this human race 40,000 years ago is still unresolved. Is it coincidence that smart people also touched Europe at the time?

The arrival of a new human race certainly makes life of Neanderthals more difficult, as the competitiveness is greatly increased. However, according to experts, the "last punch" for this race is simply . unlucky.

"Neanderthals perished for us? No, at least according to this study. The end for them is simply a chain of unlucky population."

"The small population of Neanderthals has persisted for thousands of years. But then a generation of unlucky things ended."

This lack of luck manifests itself in the Allee effect - when Neanderthal generations suddenly have too many deformities and cannot live long. But even so, this is just a hypothesis. The extinction of the Neanderthals remains a controversial topic, with many agents combined.

It is known that Neanderthals were once considered to be dark-necked people , growing slowly and not noticeably. However, there is growing evidence that they are also very intelligent, even creative, just like smart people. Many experts also believe that most of the ancient paintings in caves in Europe are the work of this race.

There is also evidence that Neanderthals and modern humans - Homo sapien - mated together, mixing the genome into later generations of modern humans.

  1. The reason Neanderthals became extinct
  2. Scientists announce new findings about Neanderthals