The old woman resurrected after 40 years of thought to die of snake bites

A woman thought to have died 40 years ago suddenly survived, Mirror (UK) page on 29/12 reported.

This woman named Vilasa, lives in the village of Inayatpur, in the town of Majahwan, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, north of India.

Ms. Vilasa's story began in 1976. At that time, she was bitten by an African black cobra. She was taken by her relatives to meet a healer in the area for treatment but did not survive.

Picture 1 of The old woman resurrected after 40 years of thought to die of snake bites
African black cobra.

Relatives said that she had a tragic life, a tragic death. They do not bury her body but float away the river. They put her body into the Ganges River, where rituals of farewell deaths occur.

However, this woman was rescued by a group of fishermen. They discovered that she was still alive and took her to a temple. Here she was helped and treated.

However, after waking up, Mrs. Vilasa could no longer remember who she was, where she came from. Therefore, she was allowed to stay by the temple.

Until recently, a man who had been an acquaintance of Vilasa before, came to the temple and suspected that she was the woman who had been bitten by poisonous snakes many years ago. He was also present at her funeral.

This man told the Vilasa daughters. And they recognized her right away thanks to a birthmark.

Picture 2 of The old woman resurrected after 40 years of thought to die of snake bites
Ms. Vilasa - who is thought to have been bitten by a snake 40 years ago.

Her daughter could not believe her eyes, because she and all others believed she had died 40 years ago.

Currently, this woman has been returned to reunite with her family. At this time, she was 82 years old.