The pitch to upgrade humans

Scientists have discovered the ability to throw has helped turn people from primates second class to the most advanced creature on the planet.

One of the factors that attracted audiences rushing to watch top-notch baseball games was the fast-paced electronic throws of up to 160km / h of first-class pitchers. However, few people know the melancholy skill is the result of adaptation imprinting a key evolution of a series of body parts , from the body, shoulders and arms, which starts almost 2 million years ago. Accordingly, the throwing gestures allow human ancestors to be able to defend against aggressive animals , not only turning around but also chasing them, enriching their diets, thereby improving their brain capacity and finally proceed to 'invasion' to almost every corner of the globe.

Picture 1 of The pitch to upgrade humans
Experts have deciphered the baseball player's sorrowful throw - (Photo: Reuters)

'We think that the throwing action may be the most important change from the beginning in terms of hunting behavior, allowing human ancestors to organize effectively and safely large hunting , ' said the chief. Neil Roach's research group at George Washington University (USA). Thanks to food from this activity, people who ate a lot of calorie-rich meat and fat, the brain and the body accordingly developed, able to open new lands, according to a Nature report. To draw this conclusion, experts use 3D cameras and computer graphics to track the movement in the upper body of American college baseball pitchers. They discovered human shoulders acting as a slingshot while throwing, by storage and then abruptly bursting out a large amount of energy.

Compared with chimpanzees, which only throw objects at a rate of 1/3 of the throwing power of 12-year-old children, ie at 32km / hour, human anatomy is smoothly combined with action. throw. Dr. Roach and his colleagues found three adaptive points that play a key role, including the wide waist, the lower shoulder, and the ability to rotate the upper arm bone. It all took place as early as 2 million years ago, during Homo erectus (Straight-up). These changes in the body anatomy structure allow our ancient relatives to throw objects such as stones or wooden spears at an impressive speed, thanks to the energy charging and transmitting strategy in ligaments and longitudinal tendons. follow the shoulder.

Scientists believe that these evolutionary changes, which took place long after the human and chimpanzees branched from the last common ancestor about 7.5 million years ago, played a decisive role in the development. human development, turning us into a creature with a great brain with language ability and skill in making high-end instruments.'Humans are superior throwers, and are the only species capable of throwing objects quickly and accurately. The closest chimpanzees and relatives of humans exist to this day, despite their health and menopause, but their health is very bad , 'said Dr. Roach.

However, it should not be too abusive of the innate ability of human throwing, except you are a professional baseball pitcher, or a basketball player. With the intensity and the amount of energy consumed by the ball as the athletes experience, the human body cannot stand the risk of excessive tendon and muscle tension, resulting in unnecessary damage.