The project develops processing machines, brewing all in one

Generally, in order for your coffee packs to be ready for you, the whole process takes months, but a project that is raising money on Kickstarter allows you to include all of these steps in a machine with a drawdown time. short. Bonaverde Coffee Changers is a fund-raising project on Kickstarter with a target of $ 135,000, if achieved they will be officially launched.

Picture 1 of The project develops processing machines, brewing all in one

The idea of the creators of this machine is to simplify the processing and brewing process for daily enjoyment.

Before being crushed and packaged, the beans are picked up by farmers from the farm, pre-processed and ground roasted. Simple, but complex and time consuming. However, this machine will somewhat simplify the process, it is equipped with a small roaster inside so that users directly processed the coffee beans.

Small amounts of coffee beans can take from 3 to 4 minutes of roasting (and 15 minutes of cooling), to save energy, and roasting heat can also heat water for brewing. After roasting, the beans will be crushed in the same machine and you can adjust the fineness in the process of grinding.

Then, the coffee is ready for the preparation and enjoyment. All processes are relatively short to transfer the beans from the ripening to the ripening, crush it and mix with water. If this project raises enough funds, perhaps all-in-one coffee machines will be available in the market in October 2014.