The rare upside down rainbow rarely causes 'fever' in Britain

Strange weather phenomenon occurs in Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom.

A beautiful upside-down rainbow has just appeared in the English sky on Monday, making many British people hope this is a good sign for 2016, a volatile year in the world as well as the country. Brother.

Picture 1 of The rare upside down rainbow rarely causes 'fever' in Britain
Reverse rainbow appears in the English sky on Monday.

According to Sun, 2016 was a turbulent year with the deaths of many celebrities and political upheavals. Therefore, people hope this rainbow will be a sign that the future is more optimistic.

Reverse rainbow was discovered by Aileen Beeton at Old Basford school in Nottinghamshire. She showed the students this impressive image in the middle of the school day.

Sharon Priddle, 39, the school's official, took photos of unusual weather phenomena. She said: " When Aileen came and told me there was an upside down rainbow, I brought my camera out."

Picture 2 of The rare upside down rainbow rarely causes 'fever' in Britain
Another retro rainbow has appeared in North Tyneside, England in 2010.

"Students were surprised, it was really beautiful and wonderful."

This phenomenon is actually called the zenith arc, which occurs when sunlight hits ice crystals. Reverse rainbow only occurs when the sun is at an angle of 5-32 degrees from the horizon, according to scientists.