The reason the Moon seems to follow us

The Moon seems to follow you as you move, because it is too far away from other objects on Earth.

Picture 1 of The reason the Moon seems to follow us
The moon seems to follow when we move.(Photo: Mirror).

If you are in a car running and looking through the window, you will see the movement of trees, signs, buildings on both sides of the road, according to Earth Sky. First, you see them in front of the car, then the sides of the car and finally the rear of the car. This is a way for the visual system to tell you that you're on the move.

The moon is very far from Earth with an average distance of 384,400km. The distance you travel on Earth is too small compared to this figure, so the angle of view for the Moon has not changed . Therefore, the Moon is not lost in the sight of the eye. It seems to remain in the sky.

In addition, the brain automatically compares the position of the Moon with the scenery on the ground passing as you move. So you have the feeling that the Moon is always moving forward with you.