Recently, a study by the University of California (USA) has concluded that our Earth today is a combination of two planets from more than 4.5 billion years ago.

Before making a manned flight to Mars, Russia intends to cooperate internationally to build a base on the Moon.

Not long after being appointed as executive director of the European Space Agency (ESA), Johann-Dietrich Woerner announced the proposal to build a village on the Moon - Earth's

China recently handed over a new spacecraft, expected to be put into orbit this year, to test technologies for the mission to collect soil samples from the Moon.

A group of scientists have published some new evidence that the Moon was formed after a very strong collision between a Theia-sized celestial body.

The moon appears about 95 million years after the Solar System was formed from a planetary collision.

This is the result published by American researcher Matthew Huber, Purdue University, USA.

Have you ever wondered:

There are places on the Moon that have been billions of years of sunshine and only illuminated by an unmanned NASA spacecraft.

Using professional camera lenses, photographer Mark Gee chose for himself a position 2km away from Victoria Mountain to return to the scene of the moon rising on the top of the