Recording the giant moon

Using professional camera lenses, photographer Mark Gee chose for himself a position 2km away from Victoria Mountain to return to the scene of the moon rising on the top of the mountain in front of dozens of people.

>>>Video: Recording a giant moon

Picture 1 of Recording the giant moon
The giant moon rose from the horizon.

Mark Gee's special way of shooting helps the results of his video to be unimaginable. Long focal length helps the moon become bigger in the frame. In addition, the small human presence at the summit of Victoria, Wellington, and New Zealand makes the image of the moon become even more great and lively.

With a fairly simple theory, to successfully record a giant moon is one of the big challenges for the performers. In addition to the weather and natural phenomena only once a month, Mark Gee had to search for the most appropriate position, to convey his entire idea through the lens.

The moon only took a few minutes to leave the horizon and rise up, making Mark Gee almost no chance to re-shoot the scene for the next month. Therefore, the effort that this photographer spent to make the moon become big and great is not really small. It also contributes to the unique and perfect video.