The reason why we haven't met aliens yet

Researchers have recently pointed out that climate change is one of the reasons why we haven't had an encounter with aliens yet.

A lot of arguments and evidence are presented to prove the hypothesis that aliens exist and have visited Earth. In an unofficial debate in 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi questioned, if many advanced civilizations outside the Earth existed in the galaxy, why were the spacecraft or probes not found?

And why do we not have any contact with aliens? This question was later named "Fermi paradox".

Picture 1 of The reason why we haven't met aliens yet

There are many explanations given to explain why we haven't had any meetings with aliens yet. One theory is that the reason aliens haven't come to Earth is because they don't have enough time to come.

This hypothesis was reinforced by Harvard researchers when they discovered a new world called 'mega-Earth'. Called Kepler 10c, the planet has a diameter of about 29,000km, compared with 13,000km of our planet and about 17 times the mass of Earth.

Researchers believe that this "new world" holds a dense atmosphere, 'mega-Earth' has the same temperature and pressure as Earth.

Picture 2 of The reason why we haven't met aliens yet

So why haven't we had an encounter with aliens so far? The answer that many now support is because of climate change . Earth is getting hotter thanks to the huge "contribution" of greenhouse gas emissions.

Models predict that, when the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere doubles, the temperature of the Earth's surface will increase by about 3 degrees Celsius. The land will rise to 1.5 - 4.5 degrees Celsius by 2050. This partly causes aliens to falter when they intend to visit Earth.

Besides, the change in geological area also significantly affects the atmosphere and the heat reflection of the Earth. Our planet has had climate change over the past 4 billion years, an ideal, stable environment is a prerequisite for attracting alien visits.

Picture 3 of The reason why we haven't met aliens yet

There are also scientists that, like Earth people, aliens can also use the means to shorten the search by capturing television or radio waves from the other planets.

But even then, if they developed a unique form of traffic that would take them through the Milky Way in two weeks, it would still take millions of years to find us.