The red pine tree has become

Unlike other plants, two strange in Fujian, China wrap their roots together, forming a strong root, eventually becoming a unified whole, helping each other grow for hundreds of years.

Recently, in the dense forest of Giao Duong Town, Shanghai District, Fujian Province, China, researchers have encountered a strange phenomenon in the red pine tree.

Picture 1 of The red pine tree has become

Picture 2 of The red pine tree has become

Picture 3 of The red pine tree has become
Two ancient red pine trees, each with an age of about 450 years old, wrap their roots together to survive.

Through the pictures can be seen, these two ancient pine trees grow in unfavorable terrain, the roots still expose out due to cliffs, no land to penetrate deeply.

However, over hundreds of years, the two pine trees remained stable, not dead, nor felled. That's because they leaned on each other, wrapped their roots and became a real unity.

Many people said that they have seen the phenomenon of plants relying on each other to survive , but the roots and becoming a body like this have never been seen.

According to the study, the Chinese red pine named Taxus chinensis, which belongs to the family, is a woody plant, 5 - 20m high, diameter up to 80cm, evergreen, dark brown, cracked shell. The leaves are spiraled, arranged in two ranges due to twisted leaves, banded, slightly curved, 1.5 - 2cm long, 2 - 3mm wide.

The wood of Chinese red pine is dark pink, fine grain, water-resistant, used in construction; The bark is also studied for medicinal use.

However, this species is not widely distributed and is also an endangered organism such as other conifer species used by humans for use and environmental damage to limestone mountains.