Recently, in the dense forest of Giao Duong Town, Shanghai District, Fujian Province, China, researchers have encountered a strange phenomenon in the red pine tree.

The yew tree belongs to group IA, an endemic species listed in the Vietnam Red Book and classified as a species that needs strict protection.

Many ancient trees have a longer lifespan than human civilization, surviving many geological and climatic changes on Earth.

A 4,000-year-old yew tree, considered the oldest tree in England, is showing signs of dying, according to Mirror.

Giant parsley, mulberry or yew trees are plants with toxins and strange properties that can frighten people if they accidentally come into contact with them.

After successful propagation by grafting method in this rainy season, yew trees will be brought to the trial plantation at the Yew Water Reserve of Dak Lak province.

Yew, baobab or oak are the oldest plants in the world, with ages up to several thousand years.

A 5,000-year-old oak forest was discovered on the British beach after the storm swept away the mud covered above.

Although wearing colorful colors and charming beauty, many flowers contain poisonous substances that can be lethal.