The remedy for cracked limbs

Picture 1 of The remedy for cracked limbs According to Oriental medicine, cracked limbs are a sign of dryness, when blood cannot nourish the skin. In the winter, the warmth of the flesh and skin of the weather penetrates, causing the vasomotor under the skin to stagnate, leading to dryness and stinging.

Treat cracked limbs

Through pepper 10-15 g, sharp, cook water to soak your limbs twice a day. Wait for the water to be drained, take the pig brain marrow or goat's brain on the cracked layer a thin layer. Without pig and goat brain marrow, it can be replaced with lard.

This is Shen's medicine to treat cracked limbs. In the instant of the Gong Dynasty, Liu Gong from the Chinese Dynasty. Spicy pepper, hot, has a low dispersion effect, is a medicine used to treat and treat itchy, low rash on chestnut skin. According to modern medicine, transdermal also inhibits many types of bacteria and some skin bacteria, the effect of local anesthesia should reduce pain, reduce itching. Sputum can promote local blood circulation in the skin to spread solder, cure ringworm. In addition, it is painful to go back and postpone resolution. And the brain or pig's marrow of pig or goat or fat makes skin lent.

Cure pain and pain caused by cracked limbs

This test uses the method of "Three Royal Triumphs" extracted from the Heavenly Kingdom. This method is suitable for those who can be slightly thirsty, cracked limbs and pain, the most hot is at night, sometimes when they cannot sleep, dry mouth, dry tongue, red tongue, thick yellow tongue moss.

Medicinal herbs: Royal bird 6 g, ginseng 12 g, can rhubarb 24 g. How to prepare and use: Sharply take drinking water before meals, divided into 3 times a day.

Treat dry, cracked skin on the fingers and cheeks

Used from the word 'Ngoc cao cao' in Nguoc Vien Phuong. According to Khau Tong Thich, this method cannot drink often and drink too much because it will hurt people. Therefore, it is used in the form of a topical applicator as a lottery. The product of 'Ngoc Tiet cao' is as follows:

Light powder 12 g, chalk (lead powder) 12 g, density increased 9 g. Spread 3 pills on a fine powder. Take the white kernel in the kygote and then use the water equivalent (distilled water), soak it softly into a high form. Then use this high soak mixed well with the powdered powder has spread smoothly, it is especially thick. Gradually use.

Every day this height is applied to the crack of a thin layer. The mild powder can be toxic, antiseptic, reduce itching and cure many skin diseases, heal scars that are scratched by the skin. The taste of chalk (powdery powder) is spicy, welding, and toxic but makes the skin smooth. Increased density also has poison, so it is not used for drinking, but it has the effect of beautifying and treating darkened skin (according to Tan tu manuscript) and also used to treat pimples and boils (according to the Draft Draft) .
3 tastes of medicine on the combination work well for heat, swelling, detoxification, cure skin rashes, fungi. The white nucleus in the kangaroo has a very good effect on the skin scabies, which can be swollen and coagulated; even similar to the skin care, make the skin white.

Chinese medicine suggests that this method can cure cracked, rough skin or boils, ringworm; Special treatment of chronic and acute skin diseases and makes skin smooth and bright.

Doctor Hoang Xuan Dai, Health & Life