Remedy, treat chapped dry skin in winter

In winter, dry weather causes our body to become dehydrated, causing the skin and lips to crack when it is bleeding, generally very irritating and unpleasant. To treat this case, we will explore the following issues.

How to treat chapped skin in winter effectively

The cause of dry skin cracks in the winter

  1. Due to natural oil depletion in the body.
  2. Exposure to too much soap and water.
  3. Hot water baths cause skin to lose its moisture.
  4. Soak your hands in water for too long without using protective equipment.
  5. Wash clothes with strong cleansers that cause allergic skin.
  6. Do not take regular skin care.
  7. Regular use of a home heating device also causes dry skin.
  8. Unhealthy diet lacks essential fatty acids.
  9. Also cold weather, low humidity combined with sun and wind factor is also the cause of skin cracking.

Picture 1 of Remedy, treat chapped dry skin in winter

How to fix winter dry skin

Use mild soap

Your favorite antibacterial soap or deodorant may be more harmful than beneficial, it's best to use an odorless or mild scent.

Avoid shaving

Shave fur that irritates your skin, especially dry skin. So if you need to use shaving cream and change the razor regularly.

Moisturizes the skin

You should still use moisturizer even if your skin is oily. It is not necessary to use expensive creams that only need it and do not clog pores.

Bathe and wash your face with warm salt water

Warm salt water will be effective in treating dry, cracked skin and helps exfoliate effectively.

Do exercise

Exercise helps blood circulation, regular exercise will help clean the skin from deep inside for a healthy skin to cope with the weather.


Sunscreen should be used at all times, even when it's cool, ultraviolet rays appear even when it is not sunny, which will harm your skin. Minimum SPF is 15.

Picture 2 of Remedy, treat chapped dry skin in winter

Soothe the lips

Lips without oil glands are therefore easily dried. Many people who have a habit of licking their lips make their lips more cracked. Apply lip balm regularly to soften and nourish the lips.

Drink a lot of water

This is one of the most essential and extremely important things to provide the body with adequate water, limiting parched skin.

Use honey

Before bathing, rub some honey throughout your body and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Honey is one of the best natural moisturizers.

Find ways to increase the humidity of the air around where you work

The dry air condition really directly affects your skin. So, if you can't avoid sitting in the air-conditioned room, at least provide room humidity by putting a bowl of water full by your seat to increase air humidity.