The scary truth about black ice near the Arctic

Jason Box and his team are extremely surprised and scared when they witness the black icebergs with record speed in Greenland.

Picture 1 of The scary truth about black ice near the Arctic

These are the darkest ice sheets ever recorded in history. Jason Box, a member of Greenland and Denmark Geological Survey, said: In 2014, Greenland ice is 5.6% darker than usual.

Black ice will absorb energy estimated to double the amount of electricity consumed annually in the US. As a result, Arctic ice will melt much faster than envisioned. The coincidence is that 2014 also recorded the number of record wildfires in the Arctic.

Picture 2 of The scary truth about black ice near the Arctic

Black flags were posted by Jason Box and his colleagues on the black ice areas they studied.Black ice is one of the reactions of the Earth ecosystem to global warming . According to Jason Box, reducing the amount of snow covered in other parts of the Arctic like Canada makes dust appear more in the air.

Picture 3 of The scary truth about black ice near the Arctic

In addition to dust and forest fires, Jason Box said the cause of black ice could be due to a combination of other factors such as the number of sudden snow storms in the past summer and the activity of microorganisms.

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