The scent makes people recall memories

Recent research has shown that scent is the key to brain memorization and recalling memories.

A recent study by Norwegian scientists has shown that scent is the key to remembering long because the brain remembers and stores that "flavor" in a special memory area in the brain.

Picture 1 of The scent makes people recall memories

Experts say: "When you encounter a familiar scent, the brain will signal and connect with old memories. Each of these memories has been arranged in an exact position on the side map. in the brain ".

Along with that, the brain will emit electrical waves, signal waves at the frequency of 20-40Hz, linking nerve cells to recall old memories. The study's lead author, Kei Igarashi, said: "We know, scent is always connected, reminiscent of memories. When reminiscent of this memory, nerve cells in different brain regions waver. , link together to make the most accurate remembrance associated with that scent. "

To explore this process, researchers conducted experiments on mice. They designed a labyrinth with a small hole so a rat could put his nose through to smell. There, the mouse will smell two different smells.

The hole on the right will tell them where to find the favorite food, and the left hole is not what they're looking for. After 3 weeks, the experts found that the mouse always looked to the right cell as a reflex to find food.

Picture 2 of The scent makes people recall memories
The hippocampus region in the brain is thought to play an important role in reminding memories that are particularly relevant to the location.

At the same time, experts will examine and detect, the hippocampus and the entorhinal (EC) cortex area are active.The EC-hippocampus system is thought to play an important role in recalling memories that are particularly relevant to the location.

Professor Igarashi said: "We will conduct more research to give evidence of how brain waves emit when the brain remembers memories related to scent."