Scientists have found a way to change memories

Do you have a sad memory, a bad date for a few years but still can't forget? What will you do, wait for more years to completely forget about it? If time doesn't solve the problem, science can give you a solution.

>>>The new way to help people remove painful memories

Brain researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have recently discovered a way to change the state of memory , such as moving from a bad feeling to a happy state by direct intervention. into neurons related to that memory.

Picture 1 of Scientists have found a way to change memories
Scientists can turn bad memories of mice into good memories

Currently, this study has only been done on mice in the laboratory. The first members created male mice with two types of good and bad memories, by having them mate with female mice (good memories) or mild electric shocks (bad memories) as they enter different areas of cages. Each memory is divided into two parts: the "content" part of the memory stored in the hippocampus in the previous brain, while the emotional part is stored in the amygdala in mind brain.

Picture 2 of Scientists have found a way to change memories
The location of fiber optic cables in the mouse brain

The process of preparing to change memories is not easy. First, scientists must determine the location of the neurons that are storing memories, then make them capable of reacting to lasers. Finally, an optical fiber will be operated and inserted into the correct neuron location, so that the scientists can perform the experiment.

The brain state of mice can be monitored directly when they are active

Before making a memory change, the mouse always tries to stay away from the space in the cage related to bad memories (shocking). However, after lighting the lamp to "change the memory" for the mouse, it is always around in the space, even sniffing around as if looking for a partner. It seems that the emotion of the mouse's memory has completely changed. In the opposite direction, the memory of the mouse can also be turned from a happy state to a bad one.

The success of this experiment is nothing new in theory, and certainly is far from being applied to humans. However, finding the exact neuron associated with a specific memory is a big step. This method can help scientists find neurons that relate to memories more accurately than previously applied methods. The study will also strengthen the theoretical implications of current treatments for depression and multiple-personality disorder.