Find new ways to erase painful memories
Scientists at the University of California (USA) have found a method that can help eliminate damage in the brain.

The birth of this method can help people forget the memory of suffering.
Scientists have found a link between PKM protein and distressing memories. Specifically, scientists discovered that in the body of chlorotica, there is a function responsible for the induction of long-term memory that can inhibit the activity of PKM protein, thereby helping to gradually erase painful memories . PKM is a protein related to memory.
The reason why scientists choose PKM in the body of chlorotica is because this species has a simple form of learning and a simple nervous system.
The study helps scientists to better understand how PKM works to maintain long-term memory. The above research results can also be applied in detoxification, Alzheimer's treatment and long-term memory disorders.
This finding is very important for war veterans, victims of violence.
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