The scientific world

Surely you will be surprised to know that, although considered as the 'ruler' of the earth, but from a scientific perspective, the human body is not really perfect. On the contrary, many parts of us have 'inadequate' structure that is difficult to understand!

Picture 1 of The scientific world
In fact, the things we swallow like food or water, along with the air we breathe, go along the same path into the body, due to the intersection of the esophagus and the human airway. Therefore, we have an extra body named 'Larynx'.The main function of this part is to close the trachea during chewing, to prevent food or drinks from falling into it.However, sometime Cap liep did not fulfill his task.For example, when you smile while you're eating, food may be 'on the wrong path' and make you choke.Due to the lack of comprehensiveness in this body structure, people cannot breathe and swallow food at the same time (except babies).

Picture 2 of The scientific world
After shedding all the baby teeth, adults have only one tooth to use for life.In the event that one of these teeth falls out, our body has absolutely no mechanism to grow another tooth to replace it.Besides, human teeth have a few teeth that are not really necessary, most notably.In fact, these extremely uncomfortable teeth are the adaptation of the human body to the conditions of primitive life, when our ancestors had to chew on very hard and tough things.At the present time, when the food has been refined to become softer, the Khon teeth are almost useless.

Picture 3 of The scientific world
Nearly all of our bodies are protected by very solid bones, typically the key organs: brain, heart, lungs . However, it is difficult to understand when an area also contains many Another important organ is that the abdomen is only covered by a few thin layers of muscle.The consequence of this is that the digestive system includes: stomach, small intestine, large intestine . extremely vulnerable under the influence of external forces.

Picture 4 of The scientific world
Human feet have all 26 bones.The reason our legs are so complicated is to adapt to climbing and living on trees, in primitive times.However, at the present time, we spend almost all of our time traveling and jumping underground.In these activities, there are many sets of feces, such as tendons, muscles, and bones (especially for climbing) that are almost not used.The consequence of the structure of the legs has not evolved with the new way of life is the common pathological conditions when moving such as cramps, sprains, dislocations .

Picture 5 of The scientific world
According to scientists, the most unreasonable point on the human body is just on women. Specifically, this agency is the 'Biological Floor'.Over the course of millions of years of evolution, the human body has undergone major changes compared to the gibbons for maximum adaptation to new life.However, the Biological Floor shows its inadequacy when it is too narrow.This incomplete structure not only brings bone pain, when women give birth, but also causes injury to the mother's body and can even lead to death.