The service freezes the body of a dead person to await resurrection

Nearly 1,000 people around the world have chosen to preserve their bodies after death to wait for a chance to be reborn in the future.

>>>The first person to freeze the body waits for a chance of rebirth

In preparation for death, many people planned to handle their remains in various forms, some chose coffins, others planned to cremate and their ashes would be spread at one. number of special places, even converted into charcoal plates. However, with several hundred thousand dollars, many people can freeze the body in the hope of reviving through the progress of science and technology in the future, MNN said.

Picture 1 of The service freezes the body of a dead person to await resurrection
Alcor's doctors are preparing to perform operations to freeze the body.(Photo: Alcor Life Extention Foundation)

One of the largest facilities in the world to provide the dead freezing service is the Alcor Life Extension Organization in Arizona State, USA. Currently there are nearly 1,000 people registered to participate in this service. Storage costs are $ 80,000 for the brain alone and $ 200,000 for the entire body.

"Modern medicine can cure many people who suffer from serious diseases that 50 years ago doctors had to give up. The method of freezing the body is similar, it is like an emergency medicine. If not, the cells will not deteriorate, the cells will not decompose to wait for the advanced technology in the future to overcome the problem, " The Atlantic quoted Max More, director of Alcor.

Alcor maintains a list of weak health members and will send a team to respond quickly when they show signs of dying. If a person dies suddenly, the preservation process may be delayed for hours, even days after death. The longer the time, the more damaged cells lead to difficulties in reviving patients later.

Picture 2 of The service freezes the body of a dead person to await resurrection
The device keeps the body frozen.(Photo: MNN)

When the "customer" died in forensic conditions, Alcor staff transferred them to a cold bed and used a cardiopulmonary resuscitation device to circulate blood throughout the body again. Later, they used 16 different drugs to help the cell from being damaged after death before draining the blood and body fluids and injecting the protective fluid into the body instead.

Finally, the staff conducted cooling of the body 0.5 degrees C every hour until it reached the temperature of liquid nitrogen -160 degrees C after 2 weeks. Next, they put the corpses into a cylindrical freezer in a head-down position.

In the early days of the cooling process, family and friends have to pay for the maintenance and preservation of their loved ones. However, these service providers now require patients to pay in advance, and the money is usually derived from the patient's life insurance.

"The method is not exclusive to the wealthy, anyone with insurance premiums large enough can use the service," Max More said.

Some famous stars such as Britney Spears, Simon Cowell and Larry King also sign up for the service in the hope of someday having the opportunity to be reborn after their death.