Suspension of life by freezing and waking up after tens of years or even hundreds of years is what many people believe and leave the fortune to perform.

A 2-year-old Thai girl becomes the youngest person to freeze her brain after dying in hopes of reviving in another body someday.

Nearly 1,000 people around the world have chosen to preserve their bodies after death to wait for a chance to be reborn in the future.

Hal Finney is a cryptographer, programmer, one of the first people to join the bitcoin project, who died at the age of 58 August 28 in the United States.

According to Daily Mail, Russian scientist Yuri Pichugin died at the age of 67 last month because of a heart attack after going out to cold 7 degrees Celsius.

People are always looking for ways to not die. It is a strong survival instinct. Everyone wants to eliminate all illnesses and prolong life.