The shocking truth behind the three strict regulations of the concubine in the harem

The concubines in the harem had to use all means to fight in order to get the chance to get married.

In the harem, there are thousands of beautiful maidens and concubines, but the emperor has only one. Therefore, everyone wants to win the chance to be impregnated by the emperor.

The concubine who is chosen to be the wife will win the favor of the emperor. Life in that person's harem will also be worry-free, living in glory and wealth. In particular, if that concubine is pregnant with the emperor's child, the position will be increased and living in the palace will not have to look at anyone's face.

Picture 1 of The shocking truth behind the three strict regulations of the concubine in the harem
 The concubines who serve the emperor also need to follow the prescribed steps.

It is difficult to get the opportunity to impregnate, but the steps for the impregnation of concubines are not easy and even extremely strict. The palace is a place with many strict regulations. The concubines who serve the emperor also need to follow the prescribed steps. Through Chinese historical dramas, we can also see how they partially reproduce these regulations.

Three strict regulations of concubines

To prepare for a visit, the concubines need to prepare according to the following regulations.

  1. First, before the impregnated state, the concubines must take off their clothes and jewelry, then go to the bathroom to clean. Then, they will perform the step of wrapping themselves with a cotton blanket and then waiting for the people of the interior to carry the concubine to the emperor's room.
  2. Second, it is during the royal court, that the concubines are not allowed to make a sound. This rule was in place to keep the emperor's dignity. To implement this rule, the emperor also specially built "respect for the room". (This is the room where the group of eunuchs and palace maids work, mainly to arrange the affairs of the emperor's palace with his concubines. While the emperor and his concubine are in the imperial court, there will be an eunuch outside. The concubine makes a noise that the eunuch can hear, the eunuch will stop it and the concubine is not allowed to visit anymore).
  3. Third, after the concubine is finished impregnating, do not stay in the room with the emperor for too long. Because only the queen after the funeral has this privilege. Therefore, as soon as the time for the funeral is over, the eunuch outside the door will shout "time out". The concubines in the palace will clean up to return to their palace.

Moreover, in the winter, when the weather is very cold, the concubine is only wrapped in a cotton blanket and carried across the blue stone road in the palace. Even if the body is subjected to cold, it cannot make a sound.

This also caused the concubines a lot of difficulties. If while waiting for the matrimony, the concubine wraps the blanket carelessly, she will catch a cold. This will affect your health and will not be able to continue to serve the emperor. Moreover, these concubines are also at risk of not being allowed to visit for a long time because of their poor health. However, there are rules that concubines are required to follow.

The reason for the strict rules in the concubine's marriage

The reason that the royal court was so strictly regulated stems from what happened during the reign of Emperor Gia Tinh (Ming Dynasty). It was an incident that happened in the year of "Nham Dan", so it was called "Nham Dan supply turn". It was a shocking assassination. Specifically, 16 palace maids stormed into the palace to assassinate Emperor Gia Tinh in 1542.

Although the assassination attempt was unsuccessful, after that, the rules in the palace were tightened, not only for the eunuchs and servants in the palace but also for the emperor and his concubines.

Picture 2 of The shocking truth behind the three strict regulations of the concubine in the harem
Illustration of the assassination of Emperor Gia Tinh.

In short, it can be seen that the concubines in the deep palace in the past were not as happy as many people thought, because they always had to live in fear and compete for favors. In order to win the emperor's love, they had to make sacrifices and sacrifices many things, even the burial was not easy.