The source of the terrible disease in the occupied IS regions

Scientists have recently discovered the origin of "holy war" in Syria and Iraq. This disease is raging in the occupied IS areas, it causes the victim to rot from the inside, starting from the face.

According to RT, black heat disease (leishmaniasis), which had never been detected in Syria and Iraq, had reached these two countries at the same time as IS. This horrible disease is often caused by common sandflies and was not previously a local disease in Syria and Iraq.

Picture 1 of The source of the terrible disease in the occupied IS regions
Sand mosquitoes carry this disease from Iran.

However, since territories were declared self-occupied by the Islamic State (IS) group, new scientists have the opportunity to study infected people to find the source of the disease and from That creates the vaccine.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Tropical Diseases, sand mosquitoes carry this disease from Iran . Scientists say that the mosquitoes that were brought to Iran by new Iranian mice arrived at new lands. When they arrived at the new location, the sand mosquitoes proliferated on the bodies of those killed by IS, the corpses that were often left to rot on the roads in Syria and Iraq.

The first vaccine to prevent the disease was first launched in February 2017, but now scientists have had the opportunity to study it carefully to find out exactly the source of the disease that is raging in Syria and Iraq.

Black heat is a disease spread by parasitic animals, causing widespread necrosis throughout the body, even from inside for some cases. If necrosis from inside, this disease can cause the victim to die in 20-30 days.