The statue is hidden under the walls of the 1,600-year-old church

The restoration of the Christmas church in Bethlehem, Palestine, revealed a holy statue of great historical and religious value.

Picture 1 of The statue is hidden under the walls of the 1,600-year-old church
Restored worker of the Christmas church in Bethlehem.(Photo: AP).

According to Discovery News, Ziad al-Bandak, the Palestinian president's Christian adviser, said the statue was made of brass, silver, shells and stones. This religious object was found beneath the mortar near the church window two months ago. Authorities have confirmed the statue has been cleaned but not widely publicized and no official photo is available.

The Christmas Church built by Constantine the Great and Queen Helena was built in 327 in the place where Jesus was born. The church was destroyed by fire in the Samaritan rebellion in 529 and restored during the reign of Justinian in the 6th century.

In 2012, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) put the Christmas church on the list of endangered world heritage. Palestinian authorities have invested $ 8 million to restore the church and the first restoration phase has just ended.