The story of the animals

The species of white-breasted parrot mainly lives in some parts of Central America and is considered to be the only animal that can kiss like a human. Before starting sex, male parrots and parrots clutched their beaks together, then they touched their tongues gently and extremely lovingly.

Picture 1 of The story of the animals

White-breasted parrots are the only species that can kiss like humans.(Photo: asu / VNE)

If the two are satisfied with that "prelude" , the drum will advance to the second step. He will feed the lover to express his sincerity. Unlike many other animals, the white-breasted husband and wife together hatch eggs and take care of their children, although parrots only give birth to one egg. When a new member in the house is born, parrots are worried about feeding and protecting their children until adulthood.

Lecherous collective

In Canada and northwestern America there is a small but very poisonous snake and they have a strange "love" habit. By the breeding season, about 25,000 snakes gathered in a large cave ready for collective fun. In that mess, a female snake with about 100 men pursued and tried to win the opportunity to be a father. People have encountered a number of solid populations are in love, they wrap together to form a giant pile of solid, nearly 1 m high.

Faithful and three minutes each year?

The penguin is always faithful to "hundred-year-old lovers" even though they have to live far away from each other for a long time according to immigration habits. When we meet again after that long separation period, the penguins will stand together, chest to chest, head leaning back and singing together together, two wings beating happily continuously. Two weeks after the union scene is the peak period of married life. The male signaled to the child that it was time to "act", by pressing his head against his partner's heart. But the real time for marriage only lasts 3 minutes. Three short minutes were also the only time they did "that" in the year.

Love Festival

The squid begins a happy moment with the dance in beautiful circles. Each herd of squid swarms and swims around the egg laying area about 200 meters in diameter. Right from dawn, they began to sex with each other until the end of the new day to break the level of diving into the sea floor to lay eggs. When she returned to the dance, they continued the celebration. The sunset is also the time when couples leave for a holiday. And when the sun just came out, they pulled together to the old dating place to enjoy the happy moments like the day before. This love festival lasts about 2 weeks to finish.

The smell causes the smell of memory

The hippopotamus may seem clumsy and not very cute, but they have a unique way of attracting partners. By the time of estrus, the hippopotamus girls noticed with an unmistakable characteristic scent - the smell of urine and feces. When discharging the waste from her body, she tried to whip the tail hard to spread them away as far as possible. The hippopotamus will recognize her thanks to this characteristic smell. When the mind was mindful, the couple of hippopotamus will play together to sing the song of love, and playfully make the water splashing up and then enter the final stage of the love.

Decisive war to the end

Like many other swarms of birds and animals, Ugandan antelopes are year-round throughout the year in the flock. But when it comes to breeding season, the male leader will establish a loving territory. In the meantime, the antelopes have the right to choose territory to "give themselves to the body". Then each of them will choose for themselves the sexiest antelope guy. This lucky guy will stay with all the sisters in the group until there is no new energy available. When he came to that country, he surrendered and gave way to another less fortunate male.

Be careful is the national policy

With his body full of thorns and thorns, how can hedgehogs " do that" ? By the summer, the unusual and excited hedgehogs. They did not eat or drink anything, they kept sticking a hedgehog all day long. Meanwhile, the male hedgehog became aggressive before other enemies. Once the two are ready, they stand up straight, cheeks pressed on their cheeks, belly to stomach. Next, the male will irrigate a stream of urine all over the female, this "nozzle" can shoot as far as 2 meters. This work will repeat in a few weeks. Six months after that preparation, the female hedgehog will accept any hedgehog close to her. At this point, her dangerous pointed feathers sagged and became flatter. So male porcupines easily approach the female hedgehog from behind. And the fun lasted until the male was completely exhausted. At that time, the guy will master the situation to continue the fun. Only when the male surrenders for some reason, the female porcupine will find another partner to satisfy the fire of love.

Being a father in the womb

In the green spoon worm, the shape looks like a spoon, when the egg needs to be fertilized, the worm will suck the male worm with its tiny body into a special "room" right on its body. The worm will live in the womb for the rest of his life to maintain the race. This is not surprising because the deep green male spoon is less than 200,000 times deeper. If people have the same rate, the man will be less than the eraser on the top of the pencil.

Sacrifice for posterity

In a honey bee, when ejaculating, the male genitalia is separated from the body. So he also fell to the ground and took his last breath after the "ecstasy" moment. However, his "precious" will remain in the bee's body forever to prevent her from having an affair with another person. Just because he wanted the race to be handed down to the posterity, the honey bee was willing to sacrifice his life. On the contrary, the bees also repay the "virtue of the army" with full dedication.

Lifelong sticking to his wife

Picture 2 of The story of the animals

Bdelloid rotifer (Photo: wslar.epfl)

When they reach adulthood, small-sized male squid fish begin to search for their "half-life" . They find lovers, often much larger in size than they are, in the dark waters of the ocean, at depths of more than 1.8 km. Once you find the "middle-minded person", the fish will stick to the body of the "wife" and never leave her anymore. In fact, their blood vessels are open to each other so males completely live off their children. To compensate for nourishment, the male will provide what she desperately needs, which is sperm.

The term Trinh is worth thousands of gold

Bdelloid rotifer - a small animal that lives in wet mosses - is recognized as the most virgin animal by scientists. According to scientists, 85 million years ago, their eggs do not need to be fertilized but their race is not extinct. They still lay eggs like normal animals but eggs do not need fertilization and can still produce small creatures.