The syndrome of 'personality flips the edge of the abyss'

American pop queen Britney Spears is one of the many victims of psychological disorder called 'personality in the abyss'. The origin of the disease is the psychological shock that this superstar singer tasted from childhood. Although not the first one to suffer, because being a famous character, the name Britney Spears later became the name of the complex psychological syndrome she had.

The story of superstar

Britney Spears' childhood is a long time series witnessing the sickness of their parents and then their noisy divorce. Grandmother committed suicide, while her mother pushed her into the world of entertainment money when she was just a teenager. So it is not surprising that the pop queen always has suicidal thoughts and severe depression. A reporter from the US news agency AP confirmed that the news agency has always prepared obituaries for superstars because she may end her life anytime!

Picture 1 of The syndrome of 'personality flips the edge of the abyss'
Britney Spears singer.

Britney Spears' medical record records a story like this: once Britney Spears invited some photo hunters (paparazzi) to a banquet at her mansion with champagne flowing like a stream and happy to let them spoil their work. At the party suddenly the beauty disappeared for a moment and then reappeared in a completely opposite mood. She was very surprised at what was happening at her home. She vowed and chased everyone away so many newspapers later wrote: " pop superstars go crazy ". The US tabloid magazine also describes Britney Spears' other odd actions. Beautiful people come to school to pick up children. But I don't know who is my child. Upon stepping out of the car, Britney Spears grabbed a strange woman walking on the road and offered to be friends (?!). She became the typical figure of psychotic syndrome called ' personality chasing the abyss ' after so many odd actions.

A new disease

Personality disorder syndrome is not a new disease. Some types of personality disorder have long been thought to be the cause of extraordinary talent and extraordinary creative ability. Experts are skeptical that scholars, writers, famous scholars like Vincent, Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, Rmily Dickinson and Isac Newton are victims of this syndrome. Studies to examine what happens in the brains of individuals with these disorders during the exercise of creative thinking show that their right hemisphere is actively working. often. It seems that they are naturally gifted with better coordination between the two hemispheres so that they achieve superior achievements. But this is also the cause of problems left. Therefore, people say: talent is often associated with disability!

Many people are victims

Picture 2 of The syndrome of 'personality flips the edge of the abyss'

The results of the study, conducted with the participation of 43,000 adult Americans, show that about 15% of the population has a personality disorder. ' This is not really a psychological or disease problem of central nervous system disorders, but a form between these two types - a kind of immature personality, often seen in children or even young stages. newborn '- Dr. Eva Niezgoda, Director of Polish Cracop Center for Individual Disorders The most crowded among personality disorder victims (about 8%) has the so-called obsessive-compulsive personality. Characteristic expression is an excessive concern to order, lack of openness and flexibility in relationships with others. On the contrary, a cold, hostile, skeptical, overly sensitive attitude to criticism and non-altruism is a manifestation of paranoid personality disorders. This syndrome is associated with 4.4% of the population. And over 3.5% of the population are victims of personality pathological syndrome.

The most serious psychological disorder is the ' personality of the abyss '. The results of studies conducted by the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) show that about 2% of the population is victims of this disease. Patients often struggle with extreme climatic fluctuations, overly sensitive, easily flare up, blatantly showing hatred and aggression. Compared to the majority, they also have a tendency to abuse alcohol, drugs and gambling more strongly. ' In fact, the majority of victims do not know that they themselves have a personality disorder. They often blame others for their troubles. Not accepting others criticize me, but easily hurt others. They do it especially viciously, because they know it well, how to hit the opponent's weakest point, 'said psychotherapist Bartosz Puk.

The origin of personality disorder can be psychological trauma from childhood, repeated traumatic events like Britney Spears. According to Dr. Drew Pinsky, with the personality of the abyss and other forms of personality disorder, the living environment has the most influence (even more decisive than genetic factors). Treatment should be carried out without limitation to psychologists and psychotherapists. Patients need to live with the same object as themselves. Learning how to accept your own truth is the hardest thing for a sick person. They have to gradually discover their true image - an image that still falsifies itself. They also need to learn how to develop character. Such therapy must be taken for many years and there is no guarantee that serious personality disorder victims will be cured!