The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future

Filtering sea water into fresh water, electronic vaccines to cure diseases . these technologies will help improve people's lives in the future.

Turning water into fresh water, self-driving cars, smart houses with home appliances that can be controlled from anywhere . It sounds like these technologies can only appear in movies. certain fiction, but, many of them have reached the final stage of research and are available in the mass market.

Nanofibers filter seawater into drinking water

Picture 1 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future
Nanofibers may be an extremely effective solution in addressing this challenge.

You may not know, the country accounts for three quarters of the world, but only about 2.5% of them can be used for human activities. Limited water, along with water pollution, is raising the issue of providing clean water to people on an urgent level.

In the future, nanofibers could be an extremely effective solution in addressing this challenge. Accordingly, nanofibers are basically a very thin fiber material (less than 100 nanometers), which can function effectively as a salt filter in water because the salt particles exist in the water too big. to be able to overcome small holes in nanofibers.

Unfortunately, this method of water filtration is still too expensive to be applied on a large scale.

Smart Homes

Picture 2 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future
The house is connected to the most modern digital technologies including the internet.

Openarch is the future smart home model that Think Big Factory is aiming for. The house is connected to the most modern digital technologies including the internet. An operating system that controls all activities that take place in the house that will be displayed on walls, floors and ceilings. You can access social networks, news, play online games or even paint colors if that makes you comfortable.

With the flexible help of this operating system, you just need to lie in one place to observe everything, using your voice and gestures to control other smart objects connected to your network. Openarch house.

Virtual reality technology

Picture 3 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future
VR is a simulation system, in which computer graphics are used to create a "lifelike" world.

Virtual reality technology, also known as virtual reality (English is virtual reality, abbreviated as VR) is a term that describes a computer simulation environment.

VR is a simulation system, in which computer graphics are used to create a "lifelike" world . Moreover, this "artificial" world is not static, but reacts, changes at will (input signals) of users (thanks to actions, words, .). This defines a key feature of VR, which is real-time interaction.

In developed countries, we can see that VR is applied in all areas: Technical science, architecture, military, entertainment, tourism, real estate . and meet all needs Research, education, trade, services.

Vaccine electronic nano cure panacea

Picture 4 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future
Micro nano robot technology allows people to interfere with the body at the cellular level.(Illustration).

Since ancient times, the desire to be "immortal" has always been regarded as the desire of many people. Although of course, this is unlikely to happen in the near future, but the development of modern medicine, including the advent of nano-robot technology is gradually helping people live longer and healthier.

Nano robot, also known as Nanobot, is a micro robot, only a few nanometers in size, capable of penetrating and controlling parts at the molecular level. With nano robot technology, scientists can program, put them into the body to control everything, proactively cure all diseases .

Nanobot's application in medicine can be said to be a revolution in healing. Programmed nanobots, after being introduced into the body, will actively attack the pathogen, isolate pathogenic cells separately and accurately, normal tissues and uninfected cells will be protected. all. If nanobot is included to treat cancer, cancer cells will be completely destroyed and will not affect other cells as usual treatments.

Self-driving car technology

Picture 5 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future
Self-driving cars are no longer ideas, no longer vain, but are increasingly present in the reality of human life.

The famous car companies, leading technology firms have been conducting trials to launch self-driving cars products during the past time, including the famous Ford automaker, or even Uber technology company.

According to experts, only about 10 to 15 years, self-propelled vehicles will be a new means of transportation, in parallel with existing traditional vehicles. This will help people save countless time, minimize traffic accidents, solve environmental problems, increase production .

Most recently, this technology has taken the next step, as Uber has just deployed self-driving cars in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. After two years since Uber founded the Advanced Technologies Center in Pittsburgh, Uber users had the opportunity to try self-driving cars in this city. Uber's self-driving convoy in Pittsburgh consists of 14 Ford Fusion vehicles with a wide range of technology equipment for self-driving on the road of the car.

Since these Uber self-driving cars are still in testing, there will always be two Uber employees on board. A person responsible for sitting in the driver's seat, ready to handle unexpected or dangerous cases. The second person will monitor the software of the computer system, making sure they are operating smoothly and throughout the trip.

Care robots - Robot help

Picture 6 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future Robot help.

This technology is obviously anyone's dream, especially housewives.A helper robot will help people clean the house, cook, receive guests, do any chores we want . This will help people have more free time after hard working days or when having little time to take care of the house.

The robot is equipped with artificial intelligence, face recognition ability, and an easy-to-hear voice that is expected to be released soon. In fact, some face detection technologies such as Facebook's DeepFace or Google's artificial intelligence have performed very well recently, so we can absolutely hope this smart technology will soon become a reality.

Will we have robots standing at the door in the future? Likely. Even if this robot is reasonably priced, every home can equip itself. Whether or not smart technology is successful is based on what it helps for life. And how useful it depends depends on the context.

Imagine a receptionist robot working in places lacking employees like in the care of the elderly. Robots equipped with AI artificial intelligence such as voice recognition and face can interact with visitors to check who they want to visit and whether they are allowed to enter the house .

After verification, robots relying on routing algorithms can guide visitors to the person they want to visit. This can help employees spend more time caring for the elderly as well as improving their living standards.

Picture 7 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future Robots based on routing algorithms can guide visitors to the person they want to visit.

Facebook's DeepFace facial recognition technology software can match faces with an accuracy of 97.25% when tested on a standard database that researchers use to study identity problems. face.

This software is based on Deep Learning , an artificial neural network consisting of millions of neural connections that can automatically collect data.

Virtual Secretaries - Secretaries / virtual assistants

Picture 8 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future There are a number of secretarial jobs that can be used for machines.

The secretarial / assistant profession has been playing an important role in the business sector. However, in reality, some secretarial tasks can be done by machines, saving time and working more effectively. A simple example such as arranging meetings or appointing personnel is reasonable, AI artificial intelligence can do this job many times better than humans , minimizing the Misleading cases or errors.

Tools page like , compare available information of people to find the best meeting time. But then, they relied on the number of active participants. They become really useful when identifying the right people.

Picture 9 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future Virtual Secretaries.

By using context information ( diagrams of organizations, identifying locations from mobile devices and calendars ), identifying the right people and the right time for a certain event becomes a dark matter. The advantage that EU-funded inContext project was found 10 years ago.

At this stage, the contextual information gathering technology has improved more than before - smartphones are still something " weird " and data processing and exploitation are not suitable for today. However, in the coming years we have seen machines working according to daily plans in businesses.

Indeed, the role of virtual assistants can go far beyond planning meetings and recording people's activities - which can help project managers allocate appropriate groups and deliver them properly. The task for the job to be conducted more effectively .

Picture 10 of The technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future The role of a virtual assistant can go far beyond planning meetings and recording people's activities.

In terms of disadvantages, much of the information gathered needs to ensure access security - but the current generation often shares their feelings on Twitter and Snapchat , those concerns may be less important than in the past. upcoming time.

So which path should we take? Should we embrace " the rise of machines " and automate as effectively as possible? Or force people to do everyday tasks and just use robots to perform mediocre tasks that no one wants to do? This question needs to find a solution soon.