Technologies will appear in the future

According to scientific forecasts, the next years of the 21st century will appear today 's technology trend to start interfering and complementing each other. This will create new areas of technology and knowledge that can change everything in the future.

Startled with the technology that will appear in the future

1. Biological interactive materials

In the future, biological sensors are small enough to reside on or inside human bodies, animals and plants. There, they can monitor the host's health, can even act when problems arise. Several companies are preparing to conduct clinical trials of micro-sized crystals that can bind together to form synthetic bones. In a severe fracture, these crystals can be used to create screws in the bone, and then become part of the healing bone.

Picture 1 of Technologies will appear in the future

2. Biofuels

Ethanol, methanol, biodiesel and other fuels made from agricultural products can reduce pollutant emissions. Today, the most popular biofuel is only ethanol made from sugar in corn with low yields. Similarly, the energy needed to burn methanol is nearly equal to the amount of energy it generates when burned.

3. Electronic controlled parts (Nionics)

First-generation electronic control devices have saved tens of thousands of human lives such as cardiac devices, implantable defibrillators. The next generation will be highly sophisticated prosthetics or artificial organs in the human body , such as electronic arms, that will be made of flexible plastics that conduct and receive commands. directly from the brain.

4. Control things with thoughts (Cognitronics)

Picture 2 of Technologies will appear in the future

The term 'cognitronics ' seems strange, but it is a product of science fiction . Efforts to connect the brain to computers are still in its infancy, but this is possible. The first application of 'cognitronics' will help disabled patients recover basic skills.

5. Classify people through genotypes (Genotyping)

The task is now to find out the role of each gene, and then researchers can isolate the genes that play an important role in determining physical characteristics, longevity, or human susceptibility.

6. Combinational Science (Combinational Science)

Combined science is a scientific method that uses super-powerful computers to come up with random solutions to determine possible outcomes, rather than using hypotheses to test theory.

7. Molecular design

The goal of molecular production is as old as alchemy: creating almost anything from zero . Some researchers believe that the best way to start this field is to develop synthetic-sized robots that can multiply rapidly. At that time, these robots began to assemble molecules into any material that the laws allowed.

8. Quantum nucleus

Quantum nuclear techniques seek to obtain atomic nuclei without the process of nuclear fission or fusion. If this technique is complete, it can provide a huge amount of energy without releasing excess radioactive material.

9. Internet connection between planets

Picture 3 of Technologies will appear in the future

It sounds unbelievable, but, in the future, a person on Earth can easily communicate with a person in Mars. While these red planet conquest projects are increasingly being promoted, the installation of a communication system here is essential and will certainly be carried out in the near future.

10. Each family will be a producer

In the near future, 3D printers will become widely available and become an essential device for every family. From here, each family will be able to self-supply items suitable to their needs. This fact may completely change the traditional way of production as we see it now, instead of paying for the purchase of real items, we will pay to buy the 'file with material information'. and 'print it yourself.

11. EMT technology is also known as EMT service

Installed in a car so that when there is an accident such as a crash or accident, it will send emergency signals to the doctors for an early emergency plan. This technology is expected to reduce the number of deaths or serious injuries from car accidents, the link between hospital systems is also better, the connection between the transport sector and the health sector is also tight. than.

12. Mobile laser pen

Picture 4 of Technologies will appear in the future

Expected to be traded in 2017. This pen has many functions, such as light, fire, healing wounds, used in ultra-sophisticated techniques, used as self-defense weapons .

Virtual person or replacement. Can be stunted in films or commercials, virtual motherhood and many other similar applications, including criminal investigations.