The transforming witches in the natural world

Some animals have the ability to change shape, even color to hunt or deceive the enemy.


Mucus is not an animal. Initially scientists put this creature into the mushroom world, but then removed them from the list. Mucus can exist as single-celled organisms. However, when conditions are met, individual individuals can gather together into a giant cell with many cores.

Mucus is present in a state between liquid and solid. In order to search for prey, they spread their bodies around and constantly changed their shape. Their food includes fungi and bacteria.


Cuttlefish possess a lot of pigment cells on the skin that can change color. This ability helps them hide in their surroundings, even disguising themselves as other animals.

The pharaoh cuttlefish imitates the shape, color and movement of the hermit crab, also known as the snail, while hunting. When the fish caught their guard and swam near, it immediately released tentacles to grasp the prey. Cuttlefish also fake hard shell crab form to deceive squid-eating creatures.


Picture 1 of The transforming witches in the natural world
Baby puffer fish swells to protect themselves.(Photos: Pinterest).

In a relaxed state, puffer fish does not look too special. However, this creature possesses a strange ability to help them escape the enemy. When attacked, puffer fish will immediately swallow a large amount of water or air to bulge into a sphere, often covered with sharp spikes.

Puffer fish can change the shape and size by possessing extremely elastic skin. Therefore, when they inflate many times their original size, the skin does not crack. In addition, some pufferfish species also possess extremely strong toxins, which make predators stay away.

The face of the north is white

Depending on the enemy, the northern white face will change into many different shapes. They can swell or shrink when they feel threatened. If they meet an enemy of the same size, they will spread their wings and ruffled their feathers to look bigger.

However, if the opponent is much larger then this strategy will become useless. Instead, they will collect their wings and cover their feathers to hide themselves in their surroundings. In nature, if the big enemy appears, the northern white face can transform like that and disguise itself as a small tree branch.


The octopus octopus or mimic octopus were discovered in 1998. With the ability to change color, shape and movements, the metamorphic octopus can camouflage to deal with any situation.

Octopuses are quite vulnerable to attack. Therefore, in order to survive, they disguise themselves as "harder" animals. They can be disguised as poisonous fish swimming close to the sea floor. When it needs to swim upwards, it will spread tentacles to mimic the poisonous thorns of lion fish. If threatened, they will change to the color of the poisonous sea snake and move the tentacles as if ready to attack.