What do you think are the most dangerous creatures in the world? Lobster, panther, centipede, scorpion, spider ...? And has cinema as well as documentary film been fully depicted

The red-orange color of the tiger is clearly not suitable for hunting in the forest. But that's what we thought.

Serbian teen observes the natural world and remembers in mind, vividly reproducing the page without looking at the model.

Have you ever wondered what will happen in a minute inside your body or in the world? Let Ohay discover what will happen in a minute below.

American lobsters, hydrology, jellyfish or Bristlecone pine can all be killed by peripheral factors. But without these disadvantages, they can live for hundreds to thousands of

In the fascinating natural world, there are many unusual creatures with unusual formations, including a sea snail and a rare fish with the most bizarre genitals in the wild.

Have you ever heard trees talking, sulking or moving? Those wonders have been discovered by scientists, making us surprised.

Do you know the sleeping otter always holds hands? It is just one of the many truths people are not thinking about about the animals in the natural world.

To escape the enemy, snake Hognose lies on his stomach and stops breathing. Weasel opossum

Some animals have the ability to change shape, even color to hunt or deceive the enemy.