Why is tiger fur extremely orange red and still a god of green forest?

Agile, muscular, extremely healthy teeth with a great instinct. In general, tigers converge all the conditions to become the most terrible predator in the green forest. Except for their plumage: dark red-orange, almost in contrast to the deep green of the forest.

But why make it so that tigers possess such a coat? Wouldn't that make their hunting process more difficult?

Picture 1 of Why is tiger fur extremely orange red and still a god of green forest?
The tiger's fur is too brilliant considering its environment

This is a question that has led scientists to have a headache for a long time. Their fur color is too bright, not suitable for stalking habit. However, recently, we have the answer. The reason is simply because we cannot use the human colors we feel to apply to the natural world.

People are different from animals - that's for sure

The human eye normally has three types of cone cells, and we sense three basic colors: red, green and blue, and the colors that combine these three colors.

But like deer, for example, their eyes can only receive green and blue light waves. They are also red-blind like some human cases. In other words, with the deer, the tiger's red-haired color will also become green, thereby helping the tiger almost blend perfectly into the surrounding environment.

This is the result of a recent study by Bristol University, led by Dr. John Fennell. They used a computer model to test the ability of some wild animals to identify themselves, using images that correspond to the habitat of each species and simulate what they saw.

Picture 2 of Why is tiger fur extremely orange red and still a god of green forest?
Colors of tigers under human eyes (right) and deer eyes (left).

"With the color of tigers, their feathers are orange with creatures with 3 cones. As for the group that only observes 2 colors, it is the perfect and extremely effective color to ambush in. the forest".

Dr. Fennell tested this theory on some people, by inserting a red object between two panels - one is the forest floor, and two are semi-desert environments. He then monitored the time the observer could identify the object, in terms of simulating the ability to perceive 2 colors and 3 colors.

As a result, when reproducing 3 colors, the observer can easily find the object. In the 2-color group, it is much more difficult.

But why don't tigers choose blue hair for easy?

The reason is simply because they cannot do it . Dr. Fennell said that mammals are not capable of producing green hairs, because they require huge changes in their biochemical mechanism.

In the world today there is only one animal with blue fur, which is a sloth. However, the green color is not natural, but they have to find a way to make algae grow on people for better camouflage.

Here comes another question: why are hunted species - like deer - not evolving to possess the ability to sense 3 colors?

Some previous studies have shown that during the war, color-blind people were able to detect disguised enemies. However, when experimenting in the laboratory, this theory is not true. People with the ability to sense 3 colors can still recognize camouflage better. So on this point, Fennell said that it is still an unknown solution.

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