The truth about 7 'useless' parts on the body

The appendix, tonsils, wisdom teeth . are still considered to be organs as well as not even cause trouble, but in fact their existence has a reason.

>>> Which part of the "useless" human body?

"Evolution always aims to help people be more favorable in life, so there are things that still exist, although they can create a sense of redundancy, but they are very important to our ancestors , " Anthony Weinhaus, Human Anatomy Program Director, University of Minnesota (USA) said. Some things still serve a purpose, just not necessary for our survival function. Below is an explanation of 7 body parts that are still considered useless.

Armpit hair

There is no clear reason for the hairs growing under the arm, but its position can be a clue to understanding.

There are two types of sweat glands in your body: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. The eccrine gland (sweat glands) after the secretion of sweat causes the gland structure to remain intact, while the apocrine gland (sweat-gland sweat glands) after secretion is gradually lost in the first part of the gland.

The whole eccrine sweat sweat gland is scattered all over the skin, most in the palms and feet. Meanwhile, apocrine-destroying sweat glands are only available in the armpits and genital area.

"You use apocrine glands for sexual signals. Perhaps, because of the creation of a unique scent for the body, armpit hair has a special reason to exist , " Daniel Lieberman, professor of human biology evolving at the university. Harvard (USA) said.


The purpose of evolution of eyebrows is still controversial. A group of scientists believed that eyebrows prevent sweat, rainwater from flowing into the eyes, helpful for hunting and diverting to primitive humans. Professor Daniel Lieberman supports the theory that eyebrows help the eyes reveal emotions, and determine your own communication characteristics.

Behavioral neurologists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) found that people would be less likely to recognize celebrities' images if they lacked eyebrows, rather than not seeing their eyes. Researchers speculate that eyebrows remain because they are important to identify faces and orient social positions.

Male nipples

Nipples form right in the fetus in the uterus. Every fetus carries the female gender in the early stages. Then the fetus will gradually develop into a boy or a girl depending on the amount of testosterone.

Female nipples and men are the same, but when there is a lack of hormones like estrogen in women, it's as simple as an ornament on a man's chest.

Picture 1 of The truth about 7 'useless' parts on the body

Excessive intestine

The appendix is ​​a degenerative organ, meaning that it has lost most of its ancestral functions."There is an idea that the human appendix is ​​the rest of the fermentation chamber in our gut , " Lieberman said.

Since humans no longer eat raw food or wild food like grass, this part of the cavity is no longer useful. However, recent research shows that the appendix may be a place to store beneficial bacteria. These microorganisms are very important for digestive function.


The tonsils are formed by lymphatic tissue - part of the lymphatic system - an important part of your immune system.

"The oral cavity is the entrance to your body, so the immune cells in your throat can help you fight respiratory infections," Lieberman explained.

Sometimes, your tonsils are inflamed and infected and they may have to be removed. Your lymph nodes are extremely important, but some are redundant, so if you take a pair (like tonsils), you can still live without them.

Wisdom teeth

Previously, wisdom teeth were never a human problem. In fact, teeth do not change in size. They grow up before you need it and then they stick out of the jaw. Jaws are bones, and like other parts of your body, they need support and use to develop properly. When modern humans eat soft, cooked food like children, our jaws don't grow to their full potential.

Through evolution, the human jaw is becoming smaller and wisdom teeth are no longer sufficient to grow properly. In addition, in the early days, people often had to eat a lot of bones and have poor hygiene so their teeth were broken. Therefore, the presence of reserve molars, also called wisdom teeth, is a vital factor. But today, wisdom teeth don't mean that anymore.


The foreskin is the outer layer of skin, covering the entire head of the penis and the urethra's mouth. The foreskin takes years to separate from the foreskin, otherwise it will need medical intervention to do this, making it easier to clean up the "little boy" , preventing infection.

In fact, the foreskin is not useless. It helps cover the urethral hole from contaminants and bacteria. It also protects your fertility opportunities. Without foreskin, foreskin rubbing against things like pants, and developing a thick layer of skin reduces its sensitivity. Foreskin helps men to be more sensitive in sex, helping our ancestors to reproduce better.